
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 21:04:35


2021-09-05 Sunday周日Cloudy阴:We are today where our thoughts have brought us;we will be tomorrow where our thoughts take us. 我们的思考把我们带到今天的位置,我们的明天也将取决于今天的思考。

Ask some students to explain the meaning of the sentence above. We are who we are. We are what we eat. We are what we think. We are what we do. We are what we wear. We are what we read. We are what we say. We are ....

Then say something about the problems in the reading materials.


浊化部分:sport运动;speak说话;space空间;stand站;start开始;steam蒸汽;skirt裙子;skate滑冰;sky天空;street街道;strict严厉的; strike打击。

失去爆破部分:good boy好男孩; hot day热天;fat cat肥猫;hot dog热狗;great book好书; toilet paper厕纸。



We are who we are. We are what we eat. We are what we think. We are what we do. We are what we wear. We are what we read. We are what we say. We are ....

The Olympics and Advertising - Loser takes all奥运会收视率*,为什么还是广告商的宠儿?本文节选自:The Economist(经济学人)

Among the records broken at the Tokyo Olympics, one went uncelebrated: the games were the least-watched in decades. In America just 15.5m people tuned in(调台)each night, the fewest since NBC Universal, now part of Comcast’s cable(有线电视)empire(帝国), began covering the event in 1988. Viewership(观众;收视率)was 42% lower than at the Rio games in 2016. Broadcasters(广播公司)in Europe recorded similar falls. 在东京奥运会上打破的记录中,有一项没有被打破:这是几十年来观看人数最少的一届奥运会。在美国,每晚只有 1550万人收看,这是自 1988 年NBCUniversal(现为康卡斯特有线电视帝国的一部分)开始报道该赛事以来的最低人数。观众人数比2016年里约奥运会低42%。欧洲的广播公司也录得类似的下降。

Brands(品牌)that had paid to advertise alongside the jamboree(大型聚会;欢快的聚会) complained. NBC scrambled(争先恐后)to offer them free spots(广告位)to make up for(补偿)the ratings shortfall. Yet the Olympics illustrated(诠释,展示)a puzzle(谜)of advertising. Even as audiences desert(遗弃;抛弃)TV, brands(品牌商)are paying as much as ever for commercials.(商业广告)在本次奥运会上付费做广告的品牌抱怨道。NBC争先恐后地为他们提供免费广告位,以弥补收视率的不足。然而,奥运会也诠释了一个广告之谜。即使观众不看电视,品牌也在为商业广告支付与以往一样多的费用。

While viewers have disappeared, advertisers have stuck around. NBC sold more than $1.2bn in ads for Tokyo, about the same as in Rio. Even after dishing out(分发,送出去,给予) the compensatory(补偿性的)ads, it expects to make a profit on the $1bn or so it paid for the rights to televise(用电视播放)the games. It has also managed, in the words of Jeff Shell, its boss, to use them “as a firehose to promote everything else that we’re doing at the company” — above all its streaming(流媒体)service, Peacock, which zoomed up the app-store charts. 虽然没有观众了,但广告商却一直坚守。NBC 在东京的广告销售额超过12 亿美元,与里约大致相当。即使投放了补偿性广告,该公司预计仍将从为获得奥运会转播权支付的约10亿美元中盈利。用 NBC老板杰夫·谢尔的话来说,NBC 还成功地将其当成“一根'消防水带',用来推广我们公司正在做的所有其它产品/项目”——尤其是它的流媒体服务“孔雀”,它在应用商店排行榜上的排名大幅上升。The games exemplify(体现,展示)a broader trend(趋势). This year the average American will watch 172 minutes of broadcast and cable television a day, 100 minutes less than ten years ago, estimates(预估)eMarketer, a research firm. Among the so-called “money demographic(人口统计)” of 18- to 49-year-olds, viewership has fallen by half as audiences have gone online. Even so, spending on TV ads is remarkably(非常,显著地)stable(稳定的). In 2021 brands will blow(吹,花费)$66bn on American commercials, about the same as every year for the past decade.奥运会体现了一种更广泛的趋势。研究公司“电子市场”估计,今年美国人平均每天看 172 分 钟广播和有线电视,比十年前少 100 分钟。在18至49岁的所谓“金钱人口”中,随着这波观众都上网了,电视收视率下降了一半。即便如此,电视广告的支出也非常稳定。2021年,品牌将在美国商业广告上花费 660亿美元,与过去十年每年的花费差不多。

TV remains(维持着,保持着) “the worst form(最糟糕的形式)of advertising, except for(除了)all the others”, says Brian Wieser of GroupM, the world’s biggest ad-buyer. The big streamers, such as Netflix and Disney , are ad-free zones. Brands are wary of YouTube’s user-generated content. And ad-supported streamers like Peacock and Disney’s Hulu still lack enough ad space to move big marketing budgets(营销预算). As a result, advertisers keep ploughing money into television, even as returns diminish(下降,降低). 世界上最大的广告买家群邑集团的布莱恩·韦瑟说,电视仍然是“除所有其他形式外最糟糕的广告形式”。Netflix和Disney 等大型流媒体都是无广告网站。各大品牌对Youtube的用户发布的内容持谨慎态度。而像Peacock和迪士尼的Hulu这样靠广告支持的流媒体仍然缺乏足够的广告空间来弥补巨额的营销预算。结果就是,即使回报率已经在下降了,但是广告商们还是继续在电视上投钱打广告。

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.

Homework assigned: Assigned as usual by Rainy.

今天课间为Snow White、Capacity、Potential、Shelly、Susan、Aesthetic、Elegant、William、Sagacious、Joyful、Warrior共11位同学颁发了“Pride and Prejudice”英语读物,作为他们认真完成作业的良好表现的一个奖励。





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