听说教学在初中英语教学中占有举足轻重的地位。而“人机对话”作为新型的口语测试方式,具有客观性强,操作便利,反馈及时等优势。通过“人机对话”测试我们能有效地 检查出学生的学习成果、学习能力和评估教师的教学成效,为诊断初中英语听说教学提供了实证依据,有利于指引教 师有效地开展听说教学。教师应及时针对学生听说测试反 应出的具体问题,有针对性地寻找和挖掘合适的听力素材,设计合理的听说活动方式,以课标为依据,创设交际情景,重视语音教学,提倡口头复述,充分调动学生参与听说的积 极性,有效指导听说技巧,提高学生的听说能力。
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Exploration on the Improvement of English Listening and Speaking Teaching of Junior Middle School from the “Man-machine Dialogue Test”Wang Ruoying
Abstract: Through the analysis of the sample results of “man-machine dialogue” test, the students were diagnosed with the disability in listening and speaking and reflected on the problems in teaching. In combination with the teaching practice, some suggestions are given to the listening and speaking teaching. Our teaching should be based on curriculum standards, creating communicative situation, attaching importance to the phonetic teaching and encouraging oral retelling. Also, it’s important to make full use of listening and speaking resources in the text book in each unit and give effective ways to improve the students’ listening and speaking skills.
Key Words: man-machine dialogue; listening and speaking teaching; teaching improvement