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couple xinchi外语

couple英 [ˈkʌp(ə)l] 美 [ˈkʌp(ə)l]

n. 两个,几个;一对夫妇,一对情侣

v. 加上,结合;(把设备等)连接;形成一双,配成一对;<旧>交配,交媾;(用电磁感应,静电荷或光学通信线路)将(电路元件)耦合

【名】 (Couple)(法)库普勒(人名)

[ 复数 couples 第三人称单数 couples 现在分词 coupling 过去式 coupled 过去分词 coupled ]


a couple of 几个 ; 一对 ; 两个 ; 两三个

Very Ordinary Couple 恋爱的温度

married couple 夫妇 ; 已婚夫妇 ; 夫妻

couple [ 'kʌpl ]

n.a small indefinite number"he's coming for a couple of days"

a pair of people who live together"a married couple from Chicago"

同义词: mates match

a pair who associate with one another"the engaged couple"

同义词: twosome duo duet

two items of the same kind同义词: pair twosome twain brace span yoke couplet distich duo duet dyad duad

(physics) something joined by two equal and opposite forces that act along parallel lines

v.bring two objects, ideas, or people together"This fact is coupled to the other one"

同义词: match mate pair twin

link together"can we couple these proposals?"

同义词: couple on couple up

form a pair or pairs同义词: pair pair off partner off

make love同义词: copulate mate pair

以上来源于: WordNet


couple /ˈkʌpəl/ CET4 TEM4 ( coupling, coupled, couples )

1. QUANT If you refer to a couple of people or things, you mean two or approximately two of them, although the exact number is not important or you are not sure of it. 一两个; 几个 [QUANT 'of' pl-n]

例:Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.


例:I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days.


2. DET Couple is also a determiner in spoken American English, and is often used before "more" and "less." 几个

例:...a couple weeks before the election.


3. PRON Couple is also a pronoun. 几个

例:I've got a couple that don't look too bad.


4. N-COUNT-COLL A couple is two people who are married, living together, or having a sexual relationship. 一对夫妇

例:The couple have no children.


例:Burglars ransacked an elderly couple's home.


5. N-COUNT-COLL A couple is two people that you see together on a particular occasion or that have some association. (特定场合或有特定联系的) 一对人

例:...as the four couples began the opening dance.


6. V-T If you say that one thing produces a particular effect when it is coupled with another, you mean that the two things combine to produce that effect. 与…结合 [usu passive]

例:...a problem that is coupled with lower demand for the machines themselves.



a couple of 三两个…;一对…

young couple 青年夫妇

a couple of days 一两天

married couple 新婚夫妻

couple with 与…相结合,伴随


n. 对;夫妇;数个immune to , conjugality

vi. 结合;成婚bond , become one , combine

vt. 结合;连接;连合become one , join together

词根: couple

n.coupling [电] 耦合;结合,联结

coupler [电子] 耦合器;联结器

v.coupling 连接(couple的ing形式)

pair, couple

pair 多指由两部分组成的东西 a pair of trousers

couple 主要指人或动物,


relate, unite, connect, attach, link, combine, couple, join, associate


It's only a couple blocks away.


The couple have no children.


They were an odd-looking couple.


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