
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-08 07:57:25





Now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people.

现在却在这艘豪华巨轮上 和你们一起共饮香槟

I'll take some more of that.



Grand is an adjective that means impressive especially because of size, importance etc.

grand是个形容词 表达"宏伟" 特别是因为大小、重要性等因素组成

This is perhaps why the famous Canyon in Arizona is named the Grand Canyon.

可能这就是为什么 美国亚利桑那州著名的峡谷叫做the Grand Canyon的原因吧

At the time of his existence the Titanic was said to be the grandest ship in history.

据说 泰坦尼克号是历史上最宏伟的船


I figured life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it.

生命是上帝赐予我的 我不想浪费

to intend on doing something is to plan or want to do something this

to intend on (doing something)表示计划/想去做某事

is the verb form of the phrase to have the intention of doing something

这是短语"to have the intention of (doing something)"的动词形式

You can say intend on doing something or to do something.

你可以说intend on doing something或to do something

And then I intend to return here to marry you.

结束以后 我打算回来和你结婚

You'll learn to take life as it comes at you. Here you go, Cal.

世事难料 你只能随遇而安 给你 卡尔

To make each day count.



If you take something as it comes, you deal with it in the moment, rather than planning for it.

take something as it comes表示 事情既来之则安之 而不是提前计划好的

This is, again. another way in which he expresses that he's happy to accept life as it is.


To make something count means to ensure that the maximum benefit is obtained.

make something count意思是 使你拥有的东西能达到最大化价值

You'll only have one opportunity to impress the interviewer so you better make a count.

你只有一次机会打动面试官 所以你要好好把握

If you make each day count, you live each day to the fullest.

如果你珍惜生命每一天 你会发现每天都过的很充实

I changed my mind.



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