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该剧由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格及其Amblin电视制片公司开发、根据著名悬疑、科幻、恐怖小说家史蒂芬·金的小说《Under The Dome》改编。《Under The Dome 》描述了一个有趣的故事:缅因州度假小镇「Chester’s Mill」突然被从天而降的力场包围,从此失去了与外部世界的一切联系。在这种极端情况下,当地居民为生存而爆发了争夺资源的内斗。与此同时,他们必须动用一切手段来查明事情的[展开全文]

该剧由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格及其Amblin电视制片公司开发、根据著名悬疑、科幻、恐怖小说家史蒂芬·金的小说《Under The Dome》改编。《Under The Dome 》描述了一个有趣的故事:缅因州度假小镇「Chester’s Mill」突然被从天而降的力场包围,从此失去了与外部世界的一切联系。在这种极端情况下,当地居民为生存而爆发了争夺资源的内斗。与此同时,他们必须动用一切手段来查明事情的真相:力场从何而来?它究竟是什么东西?它会不会消失?何时消失?Colin Ford在剧中扮演生活在镇上的少年Joe,他被突如其来的诡异事件吓坏了——特别是他被困在力场之内,而他的父母在外面。Natalie Martinez扮演年轻、有抱负的警长助手Linda,对警长Duke Perkins极为忠诚。Perkins警长是个十分严肃的执法者,对小镇里里外外的事务都「管」得很严。Alex Koch扮演Junior Rennie,父亲是当地的政客兼汽车大亨。他是个聪明的大学新生,但对大学生活一点兴趣也没有(平时很少暴露自己的想法),他疯狂地爱着当地酒吧里的女服务生Angie。Angie不愿在这个没有出路的小镇永远待下去,只想攒够钱后尽早离开。Dean Norris扮演小镇二手车商行的老板「Big Jim」,同时是镇上的议员。他对自己的政治前途看得很重,因此对待议员的职责十分认真。Aisha Hinds扮演来自洛杉矶的娱乐纠纷律师Carolyn Hill。她和搭档(配偶)开车送女儿去一个专门教育问题青少年的训练营,但是在途经小镇的时候被困住了。Jolene Purdy扮演聪明、古怪的工程师Dodee,在当地的广播电台工作。她将充分发挥自己的特长,尝试与力场之外的世界进行联络。Nicholas Strong扮演颇受当地居民喜爱的电台节目主持人Phil,狂热的摇滚迷,但是有一个黑暗的秘密。 Mike Vogel扮演正小镇上执行一项神秘任务的军人Barbie,他可能*了一个人。他虽然不是坏人,但也是个谁也惹不起的狠角色。力场困住小镇之后,一个名叫Julia(Rachelle Lefevre)的新闻调查记者向他表示了友好的姿态。Julia是个已婚的女人,刚刚和丈夫一起从芝加哥来到小镇。她的丈夫在镇上的医疗中心工作,她则在当地报社谋了一个编辑职位。她从多种渠道听说附近一个仓库发生了甲烷泄露事故,新闻敏感性驱使她开展实地调查。从天而降的奇怪力场阻挡了她,但更让她担心的是自己的丈夫突然神秘失踪了。她很快遇到了拥有阴暗过去的Barbie,他们的关系变得非常复杂。这两人是该剧的一号男主角和一号女主角(其他角色为次要主角和配角)。


Duke? Testin' our accommodations.

=>公爵? Testin'我们的住宿。

Well, sorry to bother you, but Sam Verdreaux called.

=> 那么,很抱歉打扰你,但山姆Verdreaux打电话。

He sounded good and sauced, but he wants us to know that he heard some kind of a bang.

=> 他听起来很好,但是他想让我们知道他听到了一声巨响。

Like a car backfired? Or a bang like Tommy Anderson finally shot his wife? He didn't specify.

=> 像一辆汽车倒了?还是像汤米·安德森(Tommy Anderson)那样的爆炸声终于开枪了?他没有指定。

But Sam's the only one that called it in, so I didn't want to overreact.

=> 但山姆是唯一一个叫它的人,所以我不想过度反应。


=> 没有。

You were right to get me, Linda.

=> 你是对的,琳达。

Never know with this damn place.

=> 永远不要知道这个该死的地方。

You off to the game today, Big Jim? No, I'm sitting this one out, actually.

=> 大吉姆,你今天到场了吗?不,我真的坐在这个外面。


=> 噢。

I thought the whole town council always rode that stupid float together.

=> 我以为整个市议会总是把那个愚蠢的浮动联系在一起。

Working the lot today, so the guys let me sit this one out.

=> 今天工作很多,所以这些人让我坐这个。

Heavy is the head that wears many hats.

=> 头戴重帽的人多。

I'm not sure that's quite how that one goes.

=> 我不确定那是怎么回事。

We're having a big sale on our pre-owns.

=> 我们在我们的前拥有大量的销售。

Hoping we're a little busier than here, no offense.

=> 希望我们比这里忙一点,不要冒犯。

Sunday mornings have been brutal since they opened that Denny's over in Westlake.

=> 自从他们打开Denny在Westlake的时候,星期天的早晨已经很残酷了。

I'll take your French toast any day of the week, Rose.

=> 我会在一周中的任何一天带你的法式烤面包,玫瑰。

Jim what is this? That's me buying your next vote.

=> 吉姆这是什么?那是我买你的下一票。

Says the guy who always runs unopposed.

=> 说那个总是不受敌对的人。

We're all in this together.

=> 我们谁都跑不了。

God! I know, right? No, you don't.

=> 神!我知道,对吧?不,你不知道。

Angie Huh? I love you.

=> Angie Huh?我爱你。


=> 是啊。

It's been a fun summer.

=> 这是一个有趣的夏天。


=> 哎哟。

Junior, we both know what this is.

=> 初中,我们都知道这是什么

And you go back to school in a few days.

=> 你几天后回到学校。

No, I'm not.

=> 不,我不是。

I'm, uh I'm dropping out.

=> 我是,呃我辍学了。

I dropped out.

=> 我退出了。

I'm done.

=> 我受够了。

Are you insane? You've never been.

=> 你疯了?你从未去过

Trust me, college is just another lame-ass pyramid scheme.

=> 相信我,大学只是另一个瘸腿金字塔计划。

They hand you a free ride out of this place, and you just throw it away? Please don't.

=> 他们从这个地方给你免费搭车,你就把它扔掉了?请不要。

This-this is about us.

=> 这是关于我们的。

This is not about No, Angie, just listen to me for a second, all right? I Hey, hey, hey.

=> 这不是不,安吉,只听我一声,好吗?我嘿,嘿,嘿。


=> 嘿。

I have loved you since the third grade.

=> 我从小学三年级就爱上你了。

You're the only person in the whole world who knows the real me.

=> 你是全世界唯一知道真我的人。

And that's why I can't be with you.

=> 这就是为什么我不能和你在一起。

Look, I'm gonna be late for work.

=> 看,我要上班迟到了。

Why are you acting like this? Hey.

=> 你为什么这样?嘿。

Ow! Mrs.

=> 噢!太太。

Grinnell? Julia Shumway.

=> 格林内尔?朱莉娅Shumway。

You wanted to see me in person? So you're the newspaper woman? I'm the new editor of The Independent, yeah.

=> 你想亲自见我吗?所以你是报社的女人?我是“独立报”的新编辑,是的。

But if you're just having a problem with your delivery, you can go ahead and I get my news online, sweetheart, like everybody else.

=> 但是,如果你只是在交付方面遇到问题,那么可以继续,我可以像在其他人一样在网上获得我的消息,亲爱的。

I called you because I got a tip.

=> 我给你打电话是因为我有小费

About what? See that truck? That's its fourth propane delivery this week.

=> 关于什么?看到那辆卡车?这是本周第四次丙烷交货。

Last week, it made six.

=> 上周,它做了六个。

Looks like someone's planning one hell of a barbecue.

=> 看起来有人正在计划一个烧烤的地狱。

Or Y-You think this might be connected to terrorism? Like they say, "See something, say something.

=> 或者你认为这可能与恐怖主义有关?就像他们说的,“看见什么,说些什么。

" Why tell me? Why not the police? I called Sheriff Perkins three days ago.


He said he'd look into it.

=> 他说他会考虑的。

Turns out everything's above board.

=> 发现一切都在板上。

Town hall is just restocking its emergency reserves.

=> 市政厅正在补充紧急储备。

Here's the thing: when Duke told me, he sounded nervous.

=> 事情是这样的:当杜克告诉我时,他听起来很紧张。

Believe me, that man's never sounded nervous a day in his life.

=> 相信我,这个人一生中一天都没有听起来紧张。


=> 好的。

I'll do some digging.

=> 我会做一些挖掘。

Whatever you find you leave my name the hell out of it.

=> 无论你发现什么,你都把我的名字留在地狱里。

Where the hell are they taking all our trucks? Over to Westlake.

=> 他们到底在哪里拿走我们所有的卡车?去Westlake。

It's parade day.

=> 这是游行的一天。

I love you, too, Rusty! Never understand why you said yes to one of those meatheads.

=> 我也爱你,生锈!永远不要明白你为什么对这些肉头人中的一个人说“是”。

'Cause their insurance policy makes ours look like crap.

=> 因为他们的保险政策使我们看起来像废话。

No! I'm headed back now.

=> 没有!我现在回头了。

Hey, listen so, we got a problem here.

=> 嘿,听着,我们在这里遇到了问题。

Your guy "Smith" shows up, he doesn't have the money and then he tries to renegotiate.

=> 你的家伙“史密斯”出现了,他没有钱,然后他试图重新谈判。


=> 积极。


=> 嘿。

I gotta call you back.

=> 我得给你回电话。


=> 传入。

No front tag.

=> 没有前面的标签。

This is 102.

=> 这是102。

Can you run a plate for us? Boy Adam Boy, One Six Two.

=> 你能为我们做一个盘子吗?男孩亚当男孩,一个六个二。


=> 完善。

Whoa, guys, wait.

=> 哇,伙计们,等等。

Duke You okay? I saw your car spin out.

=> 公爵你好吗?我看见你的车子旋转了

Wh-What happened? Whoa.

=> 发生什么事了?哇。


=> 嘿。


=> 没有。

Don't touch that.

=> 不要碰那个。

Holy crap.

=> 哇靠。

What is it? What the hell?! Are you sure you're okay, Duke? Yeah.

=> 它是什么?我勒个去?!公爵,你确定你没事吗?是啊。


=> 是啊。

My damn pacemaker.

=> 我该死的起搏器。

Must've skipped a beat.

=> 一定是跳了一拍。

And that's supposed to make me feel better? I'm fine.

=> 这应该让我感觉好点?我很好。

We have a problem here.

=> 我们在这里有一个问题。

- All our landlines are dead.

=> - 我们所有的座机都死了

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

Freddy here.

=> 弗雷迪在这里。

Paul here.

=> 保罗在这里。

One at a time, geniuses.

=> 一次一个,天才。

Freddy, you go first.

=> 弗雷迪,你先走。

Sorry, Duke.

=> 对不起,公爵。

We've got a downed power line over by the clinic.

=> 诊所的电源线已经断开。

Paul? Yeah, same story across town at the Food Mart.

=> 保罗?是的,在食品市场的同一个故事。

Sparks and everything.

=> 火花和一切。

What could cause that? A twister? It's some sort of invisible fence.

=> 什么可能导致?一个扭曲者?这是某种看不见的篱笆

Like those ones for dogs? Whatever it is, I'd probably stop touching it.

=> 像那些狗一样?无论如何,我可能会停止触摸它。

It only zaps you the first time.

=> 它只是第一次打你。

It's like some sort of static electricity or Necks are snapped.

=> 这就像某种静电或脖子被折断。

This thing must be crazy high.

=> 这件事一定是疯狂的高。

Go! Run! Run! What the hell is happening? God Almighty, what are we looking at? Looks like a prop plane just exploded in midair.

=> 走!跑!跑!到底发生了什么?全能的上帝,我们在看什么?看起来像一架飞机刚刚在半空中爆炸。

A plane crash? In Chester's Mill? Is your phone getting any service? Got nothing.

=> 飞机坠毁?在切斯特的磨坊?你的手机是否有任何服务?什么也没有

Let me see that.

=> 让我看看。

It's Mrs.

=> 这是太太


=> 桑德斯。

From the bank.

=> 从银行。

She sponsored our Little League team.

=> 她赞助了我们的小联盟球队。


=> 没有。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。

Hey! Hey! Stop the truck! Wait-- if it crashes through, you're dead.

=> 嘿!嘿!停止卡车!等一下,如果它崩溃了,你就死了。

Stop! Stop! Stop the truck! Stop! Why can't we hear the sirens? No, no, no, stop! What are you doing? Tell 'em to call the FAA.

=> 停止!停止!停止卡车!停止!为什么我们不能听到警笛声?不,不,不要停止!你在做什么?告诉他们打电话给FAA。

The Feds? Yes.

=> 联邦政府?是。

They got to shut down this whole airspace.

=> 他们必须关闭整个领空。

Uh, okay, what if the government built this thing? I doubt it.

=> 呃,好吧,如果政府建立这个东西呢?我对此表示怀疑。

Why? 'Cause it works.

=> 为什么?因为它工作。

Sorry for the radio silence, folks.

=> 对不起,电台沉默,乡亲们。

Generator's cooking and we're up and running again.

=> 发电机的烹饪,我们又起来,再次运行。



Dodee, hey.

=> Dodee,嘿。

We're the only thing on air right now-- AM, FM, anywhere.

=> 我们是现在唯一的空中 - AM,FM,任何地方。

Yeah, the blackout, I know.

=> 是的,停电,我知道。

No, even if that were statewide, every station our size has its own generator, so why is the whole dial still static? I don't know.

=> 不,即使这是全州范围内,我们的大小每个站都有自己的发电机,为什么整个表盘仍然是静态的?我不知道。

But our ratings are gonna be amazing.

=> 但是,我们的收视率会是惊人的。

What the hell happened here? Sheriff Perkins! The plane smashed right into it.

=> 到底发生了什么?帕金斯警长!飞机撞上了它。

I was almost killed.

=> 我差点被*害

Th-This man saved my life.

=> 这个人救了我的命。

Slow down, son.

=> 儿子,慢下来。

Slow down.

=> 慢一点。

You hurt? Uh, no, I think I think something just, uh, ipped me on the way down.

=> 你受伤了?呃,不,我想我只是想,呃,一路下坡。

Why aren't the guys putting out the fires? You saw it crash.

=> 为什么不是这些家伙扑灭火灾?你看到它崩溃。

Into what? I don't know, but, I mean, whatever this thing is, it is big.

=> 进入什么?我不知道,但是,我的意思是,无论这个事情是什么,都是很大的。

It's like a wall.

=> 这就像一堵墙。

You just can't see it.

=> 你只是看不到它。


=> 生锈。


=> 生锈。

I don't think he can hear you.

=> 我不认为他能听到你的声音。

God! Baby, you okay? I-I can't hear you.

=> 神!宝贝,你没事吧?我 - 我听不到你的声音。

Step away from there, Linda.

=> 离开那里,琳达。

I don't understand.

=> 我不明白。

What is it? Watch your step, Jim.

=> 它是什么?吉姆,看你的脚步。

That's Chuck Thomson's plane, isn't it? Not anymore.

=> 这是查普汤姆森的飞机,不是吗?不再。

Hey, Duke? We got a real bad accident on Pretty Valley.

=> 嘿,公爵?我们在美丽谷发生了一场真正的不幸事故。

Duke, it's Freddy.

=> 公爵,是弗雷迪。

I've got one, too, over on Motton.

=> 我在Motton也有一个。

A minivan versus I don't know what, but the thing's flat as a dime.

=> 一辆面包车与我不知道是什么,但事情的平坦如一角钱。

Whole family's DOA.

=> 全家的DOA。

Whatever it is, it cut off all our roads.

=> 无论如何,它切断了我们所有的道路。

Not just the roads the whole town.

=> 不只是整个城镇的道路。

We're trapped.

=> 我们被困住了

Okay, here's what we got: There's 19 roads going in and out of Chester's Mill.

=> 好的,我们得到了:切斯特磨坊有19条进出道路。

Not including the dirt ones.

=> 不包括污垢的。

Joe, would you go home and stay there? Paul and Freddy are setting up roadblocks here and over here, but it's gonna take some time to button up the whole town.

=> 乔,你会回家呆在那里吗?保罗和弗雷迪在这里和这里设置了路障,但是整个城镇需要一段时间的时间。

Eh, do what you can.

=> 呃,尽你所能。

I got a contingency plan.

=> 我有一个应急计划。

No, no, no, Julia.

=> 不,不,茱莉亚。

This is a crime scene.

=> 这是犯罪现场。

- No.

=> - 没有

Plane falls out of the sky, that's news.

=> 飞机从天而降,这是消息。

- Hey! I'm the ranking official here, and I'm ordering you to leave.

=> - 嘿!我是这里的排名官员,我命令你离开。

Jim! We got bigger fish to fry.

=> 吉姆!我们有更大的鱼来炒。

Linda, you commandeer Ms.

=> 琳达,你征服了女士

Shumway's vehicle.

=> Shumway的车。

We'll cover more ground splitting up.

=> 我们将涵盖更多的地面分裂。

What the hell? That's my car! Who the hell are you? Barbie.

=> 我勒个去?那是我的车!你到底是谁?芭比。

People just call me Barbie.

=> 人们只是叫我芭比。

Barbie? It's a nickname.

=> 芭比?这是个绰号

Anyway, I'm not your story.

=> 无论如何,我不是你的故事。

Then why don't you show me what is.

=> 那你为什么不告诉我什么是。

Am I doing something wrong? Power's out, Carolyn.

=> 难道我做错了什么?权力出来了,卡罗琳。

Cashier said the pumps will be back on soon.

=> 收银员说,水泵将很快恢复。

"Chester's Mill "is known for its rich, fertile land and warm, inviting people.

=> “切斯特磨坊”以其丰富肥沃的土地和温暖宜人的人而闻名。

" Please, these jerks don't even have orange juice.


- Guy said we'd have to wait till the next delivery.

=> - 盖伊说,我们必须等到下一次交货。

- Alice, you didn't take your insulin without eating.

=> - 爱丽丝,你没吃东西就没有吃胰岛素。

I'll be fine.

=> 我会没事儿的。

I got a candy bar.

=> 我有一个糖果吧。

No You need real food, honey.

=> 不,你需要真正的食物,亲爱的。

We'll stop at that diner we passed.

=> 我们会在我们通过的那个小餐馆停下来。

Mom, seriously, can we please drive somewhere else? I refuse to have my last meal here.

=> 妈妈,真的,我们可以请开车去别的地方吗?我拒绝在这里吃最后一餐。

Norrie, you're not going to your execution; you're going to camp.

=> 诺里,你不会去执行;你要去营地。

Camp? It's like a glorified prison for screw-ups with rich parents.

=> 营?这就像一个荣耀的监狱,与富有的父母纠缠在一起。

It's a great program, Norrie, and as soon as they say you're ready, you can come home again.

=> 这是一个伟大的计划,诺里,一旦他们说你准备好了,你可以再次回家。

Los Angeles.

=> 洛杉矶。


=> 真棒。

We can stop for lunch later.

=> 稍后我们可以停下来吃午饭。

Where the hell did it come from? I have no idea.

=> 这是从哪里来的?我不知道。

If this thing just appeared out of thin air, you think maybe it'll disappear, too? Yeah, maybe.

=> 如果这个东西刚刚出现,你想也许它会消失?是的,也许。

You think we might be stuck in here a while.

=> 你以为我们可能会在这里停留一段时间。

I think that even if what's wrong suddenly becomes right, the Army's gonna quarantine this place.

=> 我认为即使突然出现什么问题,陆军也会隔离这个地方。

So you're military, huh? Not recently.

=> 所以你是军人,是吧?不是最近。

Help me.

=> 帮我。

Help me.

=> 帮我。

Help me.

=> 帮我。

How did she She must've been reaching across when that thing came down.

=> 那件事情一旦降临,她一定是到了这个地方。

It's-it's okay.

=> 这没关系。

My husband's a doctor.

=> 我的丈夫是一名医生。

We're gonna get you to the hospital.

=> 我们要送你去医院

I can't even grab a regular broadcast signal.

=> 我什至不能抓住一个普通的广播信号。

Phil, something bad is going on out there, okay? It could be solar flares disrupting the entire grid.

=> 菲尔,有什么不好的事情发生在那里,好吗?太阳耀斑可能会扰乱整个电网。

Dodee! The cable is out-- it doesn't mean it's the end times.

=> Dodee!有线电视已经不在了,这并不意味着它已经到了终点。

When roving packs of mutants start swarming this place, don't say I didn't tell you.

=> 当流浪的突变群开始涌向这个地方时,不要说我没有告诉你。

Hey! This is Councilman Rennie! Open the damn door! I'm not supposed to let anyone inside while we're broad What the hell? You better have a warrant or we're gonna sue your ass for Young lady, you're gonna let me make an emergency broadcast right now or someone's gonna die.

=> 嘿!这是议员Rennie!打开该死的门!我不应该让任何人在里面,而我们广泛的是什么?你最好拿个手令,否则我们要起诉你的小丫头,你现在要让我紧急转播,否则有人会死的。

I wish I were a Beatle I wish I were a Rolling Stone I wish I'd always turn up I wish I had nowhere to run This is Councilman Rennie.

=> 我希望我是一个披头士我希望我是一个滚石我希望我总是出现我希望我无处可跑这是议员Rennie。

Uh, Big Jim Rennie.

=> 呃大吉姆Rennie

But this isn't a car commercial.

=> 但这不是一个汽车广告。

Please stop what you're doing and listen.

=> 请停止你在做什么,听听。

This is an emergency broadcast.

=> 这是一个紧急广播。

We have a serious situation in town, and it's very important that every motorist listening to my voice stops their vehicle now.

=> 我们在城里有一个严重的情况,每个听我声音的司机现在都停下车来,这一点非常重要。

You're the one who's addicted.

=> 你是上瘾的人

I use my phone for work, not for sending naked pictures of myself to random boys.

=> 我用我的手机上班,而不是把我自己的裸体照片发给随机男孩。

For the millionth time, that was an accident.

=> 第一百万次,这是一个意外。

That's what you said when you knocked out that girl's tooth.

=> 当你把那个女孩的牙齿敲掉时,这就是你所说的。

Once again, every car needs to pull over immediately.

=> 再次,每辆车都需要立即停车。

This is not a drill.

=> 这不是演习。

Did you hear that? I can't tell you if what happened is an act of terror or an act of God, but I'll keep everyone updated as we learn more.

=> 你听到了吗?我不能告诉你发生的事情是恐怖行为还是上帝的行为,但是随着我们学习更多,我会让每个人都更新。

It's just some stupid viral marketing thing, Mom.

=> 妈妈,这只是一些愚蠢的病毒营销的东西。

Norrie's right.

=> 诺里是对的。

There are other people on the road.

=> 还有其他人在路上。

It's probably just some stunt Is everyone all right? No.

=> 这可能只是一些特技大家都好吗?没有。

Nothing about this is all right.

=> 没有关于这是好的。

The pink stars are falling.


The pink stars are falling in lines.

=> 粉红色的星星排成队列。

The pink stars are falling in lines.

=> 粉红色的星星排成队列。

Mom? Ange, where the hell is Mom? You're the one who lives here.

=> 妈妈? Ange,妈妈在哪里?你是住在这里的人

Where's Dad? Still on the road.

=> 爸爸在哪里?还在路上。

You're sure? A guy at the diner said there might have been a chemical spill.

=> 你确定?晚餐的一个人说可能有化学品泄漏。

I was worried it was Dad's truck.

=> 我担心这是爸爸的卡车。

I came here as fast as I could.

=> 我尽可能快地来到这里。

Joe, what is it? Mom's having brunch with Uncle Steve at Denny's.

=> 乔,这是什么?妈妈和史蒂夫叔叔在丹尼吃早午餐。

And? Angie, Denny's is in Westlake.

=> 和?安吉,丹尼在西湖。

So what? That's on the other side of this thing.

=> 所以呢?这是这件事的另一面。

We're on our own.

=> 我们靠自己。

Let's go! Okay! Let's go! Fracture over here, guys.

=> 我们走吧!好的!我们走吧!在这里骨折,伙计们。


=> 太太。

Shumway, thank God.

=> Shumway,谢天谢地

Is the doc with you? He's not here? Peter always works Sundays.

=> 你的文件是?他不在这儿?彼得总是在星期天工作。

Ma'am, your husband hasn't worked Sundays in weeks.

=> 夫人,你丈夫星期天没有工作。

He probably just went home.

=> 他可能刚回家

I should go check on him.

=> 我应该去看看他。

The governor contacted you? We just need some answers.

=> 州长联系了你?我们只需要一些答案。

What's caused this? Please, we need some ans We need a wheelchair over here.

=> 这是什么造成的?请,我们需要一些答案我们需要一个轮椅在这里。

A little help? Can I bum one? Yeah.

=> 一点帮助?我可以烧一个吗?是啊。

Little young to be a nurse, aren't you? Just a lowly candy striper.

=> 小青年当护士,不是吗?只是一个低劣的糖果罢工。

So, you saw whatever did all this? I mean, what there is to see, yeah.

=> 那么,你看到了这一切吗?我的意思是,有什么要看,是的。

Some of the patients are saying it's like we're stuck in a giant fishbowl.

=> 有些病人说这就像我们被困在一个巨大的鱼缸里。

I used to have fish.

=> 我曾经有鱼。


=> 金鱼。

But then, one of them got sick, and the other one The other one ate him.

=> 但是,其中一人生病了,另一人又吃了他。

Did you even know they did that? Goldfish? Want something for that? I just want to get out of here.

=> 你甚至知道他们做到了吗?金鱼?想要的东西呢?我只想离开这里。


=> 是啊。

You and me both.

=> 你和我都。

Help! Please, we need help! Our daughter's had some sort of episode.

=> 帮帮我!请,我们需要帮助!我们的女儿有一些情节。

It was a damn seizure, Alice.

=> 爱丽丝,这是一个该死的癫痫发作。

Come on, let's get her looked at.

=> 来吧,让我们看看她。

Watch your head.

=> 小心碰头。

All right.

=> 好吧。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Just go in right there.

=> 就在那儿吧

Looks like a ghost town in here.

=> 看起来像在这里的鬼城。

Yeah, no word from anyone else on the council yet, but, uh, I should be able to hold down the fort.

=> 是的,理事会上没有其他任何人的话,但是,呃,我应该能够保住这个堡垒。

It's easier to reach consensus when there's only one voice to listen to, right? Anyway, I appreciate what you did on the radio today.

=> 只有一个声音才能达成共识比较容易,对吗?无论如何,我很欣赏你今天在收音机上所做的。

You saved some lives.

=> 你拯救了一些生命

Ah, just doing my job and all.

=> 啊,只是做我的工作而已。

How your men holding up? We're spread thin since most of them are at the damn parade, but we'll soldier on.

=> 你的男人怎么举起来的?由于他们中的大多数人都在该死的游行中,所以我们已经被打散了,但是我们会继续战士。

Well, for now you will, but, uh, what happens if this thing lasts for days or-or weeks? Well, we might need more manpower to maintain the peace.

=> 那么,现在你会的,但是,呃,如果这个东西持续几天或几周,会发生什么?那么我们可能需要更多的人力来维持和平。

What are you getting at, Jim? Well, during emergencies, uh, councilmen have the power to authorize additional police officers.

=> 吉姆,你在干什么?那么,在紧急情况下,呃,议员有权授权更多的警察。

The last thing this mess needs is amateurs with badges.

=> 这个混乱需要的最后一件事是有徽章的业余爱好者。

Till I hear otherwise from the mayor or above, you're not authorizing anything.

=> 直到我听到市长或其他人的声音,你不能授权任何东西。


=> 了解。


=> 好。

What do we do when the people start asking about the propane? Well, that has nothing to do with this.

=> 当人们开始询问丙烷时我们做什么?那么这与此无关。

Oh, I know that, but some people might find it hard to swallow that we just happened to be stockpiling fuel right before a disaster.

=> 哦,我知道,但是有些人可能会发现很难忍受,因为我们恰好在灾难发生之前正好储存了燃料。

So, should we tell them the truth? That's your business.

=> 那么,我们应该告诉他们事实吗?那是您的事。

I have no idea what the hell you wanted with all that crap.

=> 我不知道你想用这些废话什么。


=> 哦。


=> 请。

You were more than happy to turn a blind eye, but you're not dumb.

=> 你非常乐意视而不见,但你并不笨拙。

I did what I had to do to keep this town from going broke, to keep it safe.

=> 我做了我必须做的,以防止这个城镇*,保持安全。

Oh, careful, Duke.

=> 哦,小心,公爵。

You don't want to put too much stress on that bum ticker of yours, now, do you? Are you threatening me? Oh, just reminding you what the lay of the land is.

=> 你不想把太多的压力放在你那个屁股上,你呢?你在威胁我吗?哦,只是想提醒你这片土地是什么。

We're all in this together.

=> 我们谁都跑不了。

Regular receivers can't pull a signal through whatever has-has cut us off, but I once used our broadcast tower like a giant antenna to pull feedback loops for my band's cover album.

=> 普通的接收机不能通过切断我们的信号来拉扯信号,但是我曾经用广播塔像一个巨大的天线来拉动我们乐队的封面专辑的反馈回路。

Dodee, just tell me what you heard.

=> Dodee,告诉我你听到的是什么


=> 这个。

It sounds alien? Sounds more Bjork.

=> 这听起来是外星人?听起来更像Bjork。

It-it comes and goes like that.

=> 它 - 它来了,就这样。

Sometimes it's music, sometimes, cell phone conversations.

=> 有时候是音乐,有时候是手机对话。

It just Army Corps of Engineers' best guess puts the dome over Chester's Mill at roughly, uh, 20,000 feet Did he just call it a dome? Yeah.

=> 这只是军队工程兵们最好的猜测,把切斯特磨坊的圆顶放在了两万英尺的地方,他把它叫做圆顶吗?是啊。


=> 抱歉。

I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that.

=> 我不是故意这样偷偷摸摸的

I'm Junior.

=> 我是少年。

Hey, um do we know each other? Doubt it.

=> 嘿,我们是否认识对方?对此感到怀疑。

You sure? I don't know.

=> 你确定?我不知道。

Something about you just looks so familiar.

=> 关于你的东西看起来很熟悉。

I'm talking to you, dumb ass.

=> 我在跟你说话,哑巴屁股。

Look I don't know what I did to piss you off, but I promise you, you don't want to start something here.

=> 看,我不知道我做了什么让你失望,但我答应你,你不想在这里开始一些事情。

What if I do? Everything all right out here? Hey, Mrs.

=> 如果我这样做?一切都在这里?嘿,夫人。


=> S.


=> 是啊。

Everyone's been very welcoming.

=> 每个人都非常欢迎。

Be seeing you.

=> 见到你。

What the hell was that about? I have no idea.

=> 这到底是怎么回事?我不知道。

Any word from your husband? He wasn't back home, so now, I've been checking all the roadblocks.

=> 你丈夫的话吗?他没有回家,所以现在我一直在检查所有的路障。

This was the last one.

=> 这是最后一个。

At least he wasn't one of the crashes.

=> 至少他不是其中一个崩溃。

What about you? Where you off to? Oh, the motels are all booked up, so, I'm just gonna rough it.

=> 你呢?你去哪里?哦,汽车旅馆都预订了,所以,我只是要粗糙。

Don't be ridiculous.

=> 不要太荒谬

You can stay with Peter and me.

=> 你可以和彼得和我待在一起。

Uh, no.

=> 呃,不。

No, no, no, no, no.

=> 不,不,不,不,不。

I Linda said you saved a kid's life today.

=> 我琳达说你今天救了一个孩子的生命。

I'm not about to let you sleep out here like an animal.

=> 我不会让你像动物一样在这里睡觉。

Come on.

=> 来吧。

I insist.

=> 我坚持。


=> 麦卡利斯特。

It's Ben-- Ben Drake from AP English? Hey, man.

=> 这是来自AP英语的本 - 德雷克?嗨,老兄。

Hey, so is it true-- are you seriously home alone? Man, your house parties are gonna be sick.

=> 嘿,这是真的 - 你认真的一个人在家吗?男人,你的房子派对会生病的。

So, have you touched the force field thing? Whatley says it's straight out of Star Trek.

=> 那么,你有没有触动力场的东西? Whatley说这是直接从星际迷航。

You looking for something? Yeah, an off switch.

=> 你在找什么东西?是的,关闭开关。

This thing couldn't have just appeared out of thin air.

=> 这件事情不可能是凭空出现的。

What if that power source was somewhere in here with us? Maybe it's somewhere nearby, distributing juice to the entire thing.


Joe? Joe! The pink stars are falling.

=> 乔?乔!粉红色的星星正在坠落。

You all right, man? The pink stars are falling in lines.

=> 你没事吧,伙计?粉红色的星星排成队列。

Hey, let's get some help! Help, someone help! The pink stars are falling.

=> 嘿,让我们得到一些帮助!帮助,有人帮助!粉红色的星星正在坠落。

Get over here right now! The pink stars are falling in lines.

=> 现在过来吧!粉红色的星星排成队列。

Hey, hey! If you do everything I say, I promise you won't get hurt, okay? Help, help, help, help! Angie, I'm I'm so sorry, Ange.

=> 嘿,嘿!如果你做我所说的一切,我保证你不会受到伤害,好吗?帮助,帮助,帮助,帮助!安吉,我很抱歉,安吉。

I didn't want it to go like this.

=> 我不希望它这样下去。

I'm afraid I I have some hard news.

=> 恐怕我有一些硬性的消息。

Some folks are still unaccounted for, but it looks like Chester's Mill lost 12 of her own today.

=> 有些人仍然下落不明,但看起来切斯特·米勒今天失去了12岁。

Duke what the hell is going on? Isn't it obvious? We're under attack.

=> 公爵这到底是怎么回事?这不是很明显吗?我们受到攻击

Nobody knows a damn thing, so there's no point in spreading any rumors.

=> 没有人知道一件该死的东西,所以传播任何谣言都没有意义。

Please, our daughter is sick.

=> 请,我们的女儿生病了。

We need to get her to a real doctor.

=> 我们需要让她去一个真正的医生。

I mean, even if they can't knock that wall down, they can still airlift her out of here.

=> 我的意思是,即使他们不能把那堵墙打倒,他们仍然可以将她从这里空运出去。

Well, I don't know, but if those eggheads out there can drop a car on Mars, they sure as hell can figure this out, too.

=> 那么,我不知道,但是如果那里的那些鸡蛋能在火星上掉一辆车的话,他们肯定也能搞清楚这一点。

When everybody gets home tonight, I want you to check on your neighbors, and if anybody needs anything, you know where to find me.

=> 当大家今天晚上回家的时候,我希望你能检查你的邻居,如果有人需要什么,你就知道在哪里找到我。

Hey, Angie.

=> 嘿,安吉

Help! Somebody help me! Somebody help me! Stop it, quiet down, stop.

=> 帮帮我!来人帮帮我!来人帮帮我!停下来,静下来,停下来。

Oh, God, please help me! Stop! Save your voice, babe.

=> 哦,上帝,请帮助我!停止!保存你的声音,宝贝。

Okay? No one can hear us all the way down here.

=> 好的?没有人能在这里听到我们的声音。

Down? My dad's old fallout shelter.

=> 下?我爸爸的旧放射性庇护所

He's always been a little paranoid about security, but you're safe now.

=> 他总是对安全有点偏执,但现在你很安全。

What are you talking about? I finally figured it out-- why you were acting so strange this morning.

=> 你在说什么?我终于明白了 - 今天早上你为什么这么奇怪呢?

It's all connected.

=> 这是全部连接。

I know how this must look, but I swear, in the long run, you're gonna thank me for this.

=> 我知道这是怎么回事,但是我发誓,从长远来看,你会为此感谢我。

Oh, my God, you've lost your mind.

=> 哦,我的天啊,你已经迷失了方向

No, no.

=> 不,不。

I'm the only person who understands what's really going on around here.

=> 我是唯一了解这里的真实情况的人。

All I ask for is patience.

=> 我所要求的是耐心。

Let go of me! Let go of me! Let me out of here! Get me out, get me out! Junior! Junior! Junior.

=> 让我走!让我走!让我离开这里!让我出去,让我出去!初级!初级!初级。


=> 爸。

Where you been? Heard you on the radio.

=> 你去了哪里啊?在收音机里听到你的声音。

It sounded like we might need the old shelter, but it's completely flooded.

=> 听起来我们可能需要那个老住所,但它已经被淹了。

Oh, tha-that's the least of our worries.

=> 哦,那是我们最担心的问题。

All that matters is you're okay.

=> 重要的是你没事。

Whatever this is, I want to help.

=> 无论如何,我想帮忙。

I appreciate that, but you got school School is out there, I'm here, and I want to help.

=> 我很感激,但你有学校在外面,我在这里,我想帮忙。

Honey, are you home? How do you guys have power? Backup generator.

=> 亲爱的,你在家吗?你们如何拥有权力?备份生成器。

Big Jim convinced my husband it would be a tax write-off when we moved in here.

=> 大吉姆说服了我的丈夫,当我们搬到这里的时候,这将是一笔税收抵扣。

That's Peter behind you.

=> 彼得在你身后。

You must think I'm an idiot.

=> 你一定觉得我是白痴。

Wha-What do, what do you mean? Journalist who doesn't know what's going on under her own nose.

=> 你是什么意思?记者在自己的鼻子下不知道发生了什么。

I'm sure the whole town's thinking it.

=> 我确信整个城镇都在想这个。

My husband isn't here because he's having an affair.

=> 我丈夫不在这里,因为他有外遇。

They don't know him like I do.

=> 他们不像我这样认识他。

He'll turn up, you'll see.

=> 他会出现,你会看到。

I can't wait to meet him.

=> 我迫不及待想见他。

Come on, I'll give you the nickel tour.

=> 来吧,我会给你镍之旅。

I was supposed to be with Rusty today, at the game.

=> 我本来应该和Rusty一起在比赛中。

Told him if we were ever going to afford a honeymoon, we both had to put in more overtime.

=> 告诉他,如果我们要去度蜜月的话,我们都不得不加班加点。

Why Chester's Mill? Why us? Maybe we're being punished.

=> 为什么切斯特的磨房?为什么是我们?也许我们正在受到惩罚。

Sorry? You're good police, Linda.

=> 抱歉?你是好警察,琳达。

But there's a lot I've tried to protect you from about this place.

=> 但是我试图保护你免受这个地方的困扰。

Like what? Little over a year ago, I was approached about Duke My chest.

=> 像什么?一年多之前,我接触到了我的胸膛。

Duke, is it your pacemaker? Duke, don't! Duke, Duke! Help! Officer down! Officer down! Help! Duke, come on, stay with me, Duke.

=> 公爵,是你的起搏器吗?公爵,不要!公爵,公爵!帮帮我!警官受伤倒地!警官受伤倒地!帮帮我!公爵,来吧,陪在我身边,公爵。

Duke, stay with me.

=> 公爵,陪在我身边。

Help u! We've spoken with the government, law enforcement, the military.

=> 帮助你!我们已经和政府,执法部门和军方谈过了。

No one has any idea what's going on.

=> 没有人知道发生了什么事。

The closest I can come to an answer is to share with you the words of one scientist we spoke to today.

=> 我最接近的答案就是与你分享我们今天所说的一位科学家的话。

He told us, and I'm quoting, "This is an unparalleled" "This is an unparalleled event in human history.

=> 他告诉我们,我引用“这是一个无与伦比的”。“这是人类历史上无与伦比的事件。

" Those are not the words of comfort, not to the nation or the world, certainly not to the people of Chester's Mill, who appear to be trapped.





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