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在英语学习中,我们常会发现有些动词后既可以接不定式(to do)也可以接动名词(doing)作宾语,有些动词接不定式作宾语,而有些动词却只能接动名词(doing)作宾语。今天给大家简单归纳下仁爱版初中英语教科书中出现的只接动名词(doing )作宾语的动词。一并附上部分常接动名词(doing)的动词短语。




finish doing sth.做完某事 practise/ce doing sth.练习做某事

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

keep(on) doing sth.一直/坚持)/做某事/继续做某事allow ding sth.允许做某事

imagine doing sth. 想象做某事 miss doing sth.想念做某事

consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 avoid doing sth.避免做某事

mind doing sth. 介意做某事 suggest doing sth.建议做某事


give up doing sth.放弃做某事

can't help doing sth.情不自禁做某事,忍不住做某事

feel like doing sth.想做某事

have fun doing sth.开心做某事,做某事有趣

look forward to doing sth盼望做某事

pay attention to doing sth注意做某事

prefer doing to doing sth 相比做某事,更喜欢做某事

make a contribution to doing sth 为做某事作出贡献

belong to doing sth属于做某事

stick to doing sth坚持做某事

be/get/become used to doing sth.习惯做某事

have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 有困难做某事(做某事有困难)

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 be worth doing sth.值得做某事


1.Practice ____ the piano, and you will play it well.

A. to play B. play C. playing D. played

2.Do you have difficulty ____ English?

A. to learn B. of learning C. learning D. learn

3.The foreign visitors are looking forward to ____ Beijing Opera at Haidian Theater.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched

4.Mr. Wang used to ____ to work, but now he gets used to ____ to work.

A. drive; ride B. drive; riding C. driving; ride D. driving; riding

5.This book is very interesting, so it is worth ____.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. be read

6.In Summer, we often have fun ____ in the river.

A. to swim B. swims C. swam D. swimming

7.When we heard the exciting news, we couldn’t help ____ happily.

A. jumping B. to jump C. jump D. jumped

8.Maria enjoys _____ music. And she can sing a lot of songs.

A. listening B. to listen to C. to listening D. listening to

9.The baby kept on ______ until the mother came back.

A.cry B.cries C.cried D.crying

10.—Would you mind _______ us in the game?

—Not at all.

A.joining B.join C.join in D.joining in

11.—Mary can’t help ____ the house. Why?

—Because she is busy ____ a hotel reservation.

A. to clean; making B. cleaning; making

C. cleaning; to make D. to clean; to make

12.At last, the truck avoided ____ the tree.

A. hit B. to hit C. hitting D. hits

13.Everyone should pay attention to _____ the traffic lights when crossing the street.

A. looking at B. looked at C. look at D. looks at

14. We must make a contribution to ______the environment

A. protecting B. protected C. protect D. protects




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