
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-03 04:48:05


1. 名词短语 (Noun Phrase):由名词和其相关修饰词组成,可以用作主语、宾语或补语。

例词:the big, black dog; a cup of coffee; my best friend; the sound of music

2. 动词短语 (Verb Phrase):由动词和其相关修饰词组成,用来描述动作、状态或情况。

例词:is cooking dinner; studied hard; will have left; have been playing

3. 形容词短语 (Adjective Phrase):由形容词和其相关修饰词组成,用来描述名词或代词的特征或属性。

例词:very tall; incredibly beautiful; wonderfully written; extremely happy

4. 副词短语 (Adverb Phrase):由副词和其相关修饰词组成,用来描述动词、形容词或其他副词的程度、频率、时间、地点或方式等。

例词:very quickly; quite silently; in the afternoon; on the table

5. 介词短语 (Prepositional Phrase):由介词、名词或代词组成,用来描述名词或代词与其他单词之间的位置、方向或关系等。

例词:in the car; with my family; under the bridge; at the park

6. 从句短语 (Clause Phrase):由一个从句组成,用来描述名词或代词的特征或属性。

例词:that he was late; whether she will come; who studies hard; because I said so




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