
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-11 16:42:50





Who opened the door?



Who has opened the door?



②现在完成时不能与明确的过去时间状语连用,如:three days ago, last year, yesterday, last Sunday, in 2008等等。如句中有以上这些明确的过去时间状语,应用一般过去时。



He finished reading the book the day before yesterday.


I put my ruler in my pencil-box, but I can’t find it now.


My cousin has been in Nanjing since 2009.


③现在完成时不与when引导的特殊疑问句连用,when后只用一般过去时表示已发生的动作。但现在完成时可与where, why等疑问词连用。如:

Where have you been?


—The train has left.

—When did the train leave?




We have known each other since we came to the school two years ago.


⑤有些时间状语,如this morning, this month, tonight等,既可以与一般过去时连用,又可以与现在完成时连用,但内涵不同。与一般过去时连用时,表示与“现在”无关,时间已成为过去。而与现在完成时连用,则表示包括“现在”在内。

I saw him this morning.


I have seen him this morning.


He lived in New York for eight years.


He has lived in New York for eight years.




1. I _____(see)Tom last Friday.

2. _____ you _____(go) to the Great Wall last summer?

3. —Where _____ you _____(put) my pen?

—I _____(put) it in my pencil-box, but it’s nowhere to be found.

4. When _____ you _____(start) to live in China?

5. —The train _____(leave) already.

—When _____ the train _____(leave)?

6 .It is five years since I _____(meet) you last.

7. Where _____ you _____(be)for the last two weeks?

8. I _____(lose)my pen in the bedroom. I have to write with a pencil.


( ) 1. —Where _____ the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.

—I _____ it right here. But now it’s gone!

A.did you put; have put

B. have you put; put

C. had you put; was putting

D. were you putting; have put

( ) 2. My father _____ here since he _____ to this school.

A. taught; came

B.has taught; came

C. taught; has come

D. has taught; has come

( ) 3. I am sorry you’ve missed the train. It _____ 10 minutes ago.

A. left

B. has left

C. has been left

D.had left

( ) 4. Hi! Jim! Nice to meet you again! It’s one year since I last _____ you.(重庆)

A. saw

B. see

C. seeing

D. have seen

( ) 5. —Have you visited the Dinosaur World,Elsa?

—Yes, I _____ it yesterday.

A. have visited

B. had visited

C. visited

D. visit

( ) 6. —Nice to see you. I _____ you for along time. (南京)

—I _____ in Bejing. I’ve just come back.

A. hadn’t seen; am

B. haven’t seen; was

C. didn’t see; will be

D. haven’t seen; shall be

( ) 7. —What is the weather like this summer here?

—There _____ very little rain.

A. has

B. has been

C. are

D. have been

( ) 8. When _____ you _____ your dictionary?

A. did; lose

B. has; lost

C. will; lose

D. does; lose

( ) 9. Where _____ you _____? Which answer is not right?

A. are; going

B. have; been

C. did; go

D.are; doing

( ) 10. There _____ many great changes in my hometown since ten years ago.

A. were

B. have

C. are

D. have been



1. saw

2. Did, go

3. have, put, put

4. did,start

5. has left, did, leave

6. met

7. have, been

8. have lost


1~5 BBAAC 6~10 BBADD





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