
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-17 08:58:44





I was very homesick when1.______(study) in the UK last year. 2._____(fight) against homesickness, I made a 3.______(decide) to occupy myself with various courses and social 4._______(activity). I was also active in 5.______(make) new friends. When I missed my family, it was a great comfort to have close friends around, 6.______(share) my joys and sorrows. When I felt homesick, I would turn to my friends, who gave me lots of good advice and comfort. Besides, 7. _____(join) a few clubs kept me from missing my family, which also 8.______(enrich) my life experience at the same time.

After I came back from the UK, I found I 9.______(change)a lot. More ______(devote)and independent, I could arrange my life and studies better.


1studying 2.To fight 3.decision 4.activiies 5.making

6. sharing 7. joining 8.enriched 9.had changed 10.devoted



There is a common phenomenon nowadays that 1.______(many) parents arrange everything for their children and try to pave the way for their success than ever before, which has caused an 2.______(increase) concern. 3._______(actual), I'm 4._______(strong)opposed to this kind of "love". For one thing, children become5._______ reliant on their parents that they fail to have 6._______(independence) thoughts or 7._______(create)ideas. For another, overprotecting the children or giving too much care is 8._______(extreme) bad for our development in the future. I think only by encouraging the children to overcome difficulties and develop by themselves can they grow up to be 9______(true) independent and become 10._______(success).


1many 2.increasing 3.actually 4.strongly 5.so

6. independent 7. creative 8. extremely 9. truly 10.successful



I was on the way to the classroom 1.______ suddenly a beautiful scenery came into my sight. Both sides of the road2.______(be) lined with plenty of trees, green and tall. When 3.______(raise) my head, I got a view of many lovely birds 4.______(fly) freely in the blue sky. Then I 5.______(lose) in thought. How I wished I 6.______(be) a bird, which could go wherever it wanted and 7.______(do) whatever it liked. Impossible 8.______it was, I still felt very happy. 9.______ I was grateful that I was a man who had the ability 10.______( imagine) or enjoy the happiness it brought! As I was walked on slowly, a bright smile appeared on my face.


1.when 2.were 3.raising 4.flying 5.was lost

6.were 7.did 8.as 9. How 10. to imagine



After a long day at the office, Jam Hodgson was on her way home and looking forward to 1.______ (relax) with a nice cup of tea. While 2. ______ (drive), she noticed that there was a car pulled over at the side of the road and a crowd had started to gather around someone who 3. ______ (lie) on the ground. Jane pulled over to see if she could do something and it turned out to be unlucky for the victim.

4. ______ (describe) the scene she saw, Jane says, "a couple of young men were cream-faced and looking 5. ______ (lose). They were completely 6.______ (terrify). They were so 7.______ (shock) that they hadn't even thought to call an ambulance yet." It was Jam Hodgson' s quick 8______ (act)that played an important role in the rescue. 9._____ (take) the victim to hospital took them less than ten minutes thanks to Jam's help. It was also a chance for Jam 10. ______(offer) help to those in need, which made him grateful and happy.


1.relaxing 2. driving 3.lying 4.describing 5 .lost

6.terried 7.shocked 8.action 9.Taking 10.to offer



The king said to the little prince, "I have not yet made1.______ complete tour of 2.______ (me) kingdom. I am very old. There is no room here for a carriage. And 3.______ tires me to walk." "But there is nobody at all" said the little prince. "You shall judge4.______ (you)." The king answered. "It is much more difficult to judge 5._______(one) than to judge 6.______(other). If you 7.______(you)can do this successfully, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom." The king continued to say, "I have good reason to that there is 8.______ old rat on my planet, 9.______ makes noises at night. You can judge the rat. You can sentence 10.______ to death."


1.a 2.my 3.it 4. yourself 5.oneself

6.others 7. yourself 8.an 9.which 10.it



Then one morning, 1. _______(exact) at sunrise, she suddenly showed 2. ______ (she). After 3. ______ (work) with all this careful 4.______ (prepare), she yawned and said, " Ah! I am just awake. I beg that you will excuse 5.______ (I). My petals are still all disarranged…" But the little prince could not control his 6.______ (admire)." Oh! How 7._______( beauty) you are!" "Am I not ?" the flower answered 8._______ (sweet). "And I was born at the same time as sun." The little prince could guess 9.______(easy) enough that she was not any too modest, but how 10._____ (move) she was!


1.exactly 2. herself 3.working 4.preparation 5.myself

6.admiration 7. beautiful 8.sweetly 9.easily 10.moving



Three years ago, my dream was to go to a key school.1. _______(fortunate), I failed one of the 2. ______(important) exam in my life and became a student of an ordinary school. 3.______I felt disappointed at the shabby campus and my poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and 4._______(consider). 5. ______, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in the class. I decided 6._______(make) the best of them. I worked hard and got along well with my teachers and classmates. 7.______ I had difficulty, they were always there to help me solve them. Soon, I found that the more difficult it was, the 8. ______(brave)I became. It was the courage to overcome difficulties 9.______made me increase my confidence and get me motivated. My experience tells me that it is not 10.______ you are given but how you make use of it that determines who we are.


1. Unfortunately 2. most important 3.Although 4.considerate 5.Besides

6.to make 7. Whenever 8. braver 9. that 10.what



It is understanding and support from people around 1. ______ makes the world a better place.

Last Friday, I had a trip abroad, 2. _______was planned several weeks ago. First, I rode a taxi to the bus stop 3._______I was supposed to take the bus to NYC. It was going to be a long journey, 4.______I had packed some chocolates to eat on the way 5. _______I set off. When the ride was over, I paid the driver, 6.______ offered to get my suitcase out of the trunk, along with a tip for his considerate service. 7. _____ I had done made the driver a little surprised. I told him that it was not a must for him to help me. That was the reason 8._______ I wanted to express my appreciation. Then I collected 9_______ I had taken and started walking away. So did the driver, 10. ______ must feel happy about the recognition from a stranger.


1. that 2. which 3.where 4.so 5.before

6.who 7. What 8. why 9. what 10.who



Recently, a famous basketball player has caused public angry 1.______writing on the Great wall. 2. ______ a matter of fact,this happens in many places of interesting. To solve the problems, I would like to provide some suggestions 3. ______ protecting cultural relics.

First,make much posters to inform the public 3.______ the damage of graffiti(涂鸦).Besides,I think it necessary to give punishment,such 4.______a fine. As is widely known, it is 5.______ great importance to protect relics 6._______ bad behaviors. Also,I think it's helpfully to put7.______some boards along the tourist attractions where tourists can leave messages.

I'm sure 8._______ our efforts, more and more people will become concerned 9.______protecting culture relics.


1. By 2. as 3. on 4.of 5.as

6.of 7.from 8. up 9.with 10. about



I like traveling 1.______my dream of paying a visit to our capital city Beijing came true during the National Day holiday this year. I went to Tian'anmen Square with my parents 2.____________ October 1, 3.______we watched the flag-raising ceremony. 4.______I watched the flag rising slowly, I sang the national anthem5.______music, feeling extremely excited. 6.______that we went to some other famous tourist attractions, 7.______ the Great Wall. Standing 8.______the Great Wall, I felt very proud, thinking 9.______the old saying that "He 10.______ doesn't climb the Great Wall is not a true man." I was tired, but I really had a good time.


1.and 2.on 3.where 4.As / When 5.to

6.After 7.like 8.on 9.of 10.who




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