汉语中的成语,一般都是不能直译的,这样会闹出很多笑话。比如把”不三不四“译成”not three not four",把“七上八下"译成"seven up seven down",把“好好学习天天向上”译成“Good good study, day day up",等等,这些都是中国式的英语,外国人根本就看不懂。有些成语在英语中会有对应的表达方法,比如“一箭双雕”在英语中有对应的“kill two birds with one stone",也就是”一石二鸟“,但大多数的成语没有对应的习惯用语,这时就只能采取意译的方式。请看下面一些含有数字的成语:
1. 一心一意:with undivided attention
2. 一心二用:do two things at once
3. 独一无二:the one and only; unique and unmatched
4. 三心二意:be of two minds; double minded
5. 三三两两:in twos and threes
6. 不三不四:neither fish, fresh nor fowl
7. 四面八方:from all sides
8. 四通八达:accessible from all directions
9. 五湖四海:all parts of the country
10. 五颜六色:every color under the sun
11. 七情六欲:the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures
12. 七上八下:in a terrible fidget
13. 乱七八糟:at sixes and sevens
14. 九死一生:a narrow escape
15. 十全十美:be all roses
16. 千方百计:by every possible means
17. 千疮百孔:one thousand boils and a hundred holes;heavily damaged
18. 成千上万:thousands upon thousands of