regard consider用法区别,regard的用法与搭配问题

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◎ consider是及物动词。

① 表示“考虑”,结构为:

consider doing sth.

consider 代词/连接副词 不定式

consider what从句

I'm considering your plan. 我正在考虑你的计划。

You should consider how to do it. 你应该考虑如何做。

I'm considering writing to her. 我在考虑给她写信。

I have to consider what to do next. 我得考虑下一步干什么。

② 表示“认为,把……看作”,结构为:

consider sb. to do sth.

consider sb./sth. (to be/as) 宾语补足语(名词,形容词)

consider sb./sth. 宾语补足语(分词,介词短语)

consider that从句

He considered her to keep the house. 他认为她要照料家务。

She considered herself lucky. 她认为自己很幸运。

I consider Tom(to be/as)my best friend. 我把汤姆看作最好的朋友。

I consider him(to be/as)selfish. 我认为他自私。

I consider your English greatly improved. 我认为你的英语水平有很大提高。

He considered himself in the right. 他认为自己正确。

I consider that it is a good book. 我认为它是一本好书。

=I consider it to be a good book.


(1)consider后的宾语补足语为名词或形容词时,to be或as可以用,也可以不用,见上例。


She considered to talk with him.【误】

She considered talking with him. 【正】她考虑同他谈谈。

She considered how to talk with him.【正】

③ consider和regard…as都可以表示“看作”,但consider表示“经过认真考虑后”作的结论,而regard…as仅表示“把……看作”。


He considered her to be a selfish woman.(思考后的结论)

He regarded her as a selfish woman.(仅表示“看作”)


regard A as B 视A为B

=look upon A as B

=see A as B

=view A as B

=think of A as B

They regard him to be a fool.【误】

They regard him as a fool. 【正】他们把他看作笨蛋。

=They regard him as foolish.

We think of him as a wonderful teacher. 我们认为他是一位优秀教师。

=We think him to be a wonderful teacher.




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