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Book 3, Lesson 1, New Concept Engiish

1、单词 词组

1.1/ spot [spɑːt]    

Definition: (释义):

n. 地点;场所;职位;污点;斑点;少量;聚光灯;插播节目

adj. 现场的;现货的;插播的

v. (使)产生污渍;玷污;认出;用灯光照射

Example (举例):

I spotted someone coming out of the building.

Comparison (对比):

spot Vs see Vs observe : 三者都有“看见”、“发现”、“观察到”等意思,但是 spot 是比较困难的发现, see 是普通的使用,而 observe 比 see更具有书面化。

1.2/ accumulate /əˈkjuːmjəleɪt/

v. 积累,积攒

accumulation /əˌkjuːmjəˈleɪʃn/

n. 积累,堆积;堆积物,堆积量

capital accumulation , accumulation of capital: 资本积累

accumulation test 检测试验

accumulation point 聚集点

public accumulation funds 公积金

heat accumulation 蓄热

accumulation account 累积账户

accumulation layer 积层

accumulation in body tissues 在人体组织中的积累



v. 迫使,责成;施恩惠于,帮……的忙;<古>使(某人)遵守誓约(或承诺、约定)

oblige 迫使/责成/ 使感激强迫

noblesse oblige 地位高,则责任重大

oblige sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事强迫某人做某事

to oblige 迫使,责成

oblige sb by 为某人效劳

oblige for the information 感激消息

feel obliged to =have to =must , I feel obliged to invite him.

1.4/ hunt /hʌnt/

v. 打猎,猎取;搜寻,搜索;追踪,追捕;(骑马用猎犬)猎(狐);摆动,振荡

n. 搜索,寻找;打猎,狩猎;(英国)猎狐活动;(英国经常举行猎狐运动的)猎狐队伍;猎区,狩猎场;摆动,振荡

go on a deer/fox hunt ,猎鹿、猎狐

the hunt for the remains of the Titanic , 打捞泰坦尼克号残骸

the hunt for the second-hand books, 陶二手书籍

job-hunting, 找工作


A puma at larage

1.5/pick /pɪk/

v. 采,摘(花、果);(用手指)弄掉;找茬;捡,抱起;选择;弹,拨(弦);撬开(锁),扒窃……中的东西;小心走路(~ one's way);(反复地)拔,拉,撕,扯;没胃口地吃;(高尔夫)拾球(尤指认输的拾球)(~ up);采,摘(花、果等)

n. 精华(the pick of);选择,选择权;被选中的人(或事物);鹤嘴锄;(吉他的)拨子;(尖状的)挖撬工具;(篮球)掩护

pick cotton, 摘棉花

pick and choose, 挑挑拣拣

pick up /pɪk ʌp/ 捡起;获得;收拾;(汽车;飞机)乘载;不费力地学会

1.6、corner /ˈkɔːrnər/

n. 角;嘴角,眼角;街角,拐角;角落,偏僻处;困境,窘境;角球;场角,场角的辅助人员

v. 将……逼入死角,使走投无路;硬要与某人说话;垄断;转弯,拐弯;囤积;相交成角

cornerstone /ˈkɔːrnərstoʊn/ n. 基石,支柱,基础;隅石,墙角石

1.7/ cling /klɪŋ/

v. 抓住,抱紧;黏附,粘住;依恋,依附;坚持,坚信;紧抓不放,坚守

n. 粘核桃


eg: His wet cloth clung to his body

She clings to the beliefe that her husband will come back.

1.8/ disburb /dɪˈstɜːrb/

v. 打扰,妨碍;使焦虑,使烦恼;移动,弄乱

eg: No disturb, or Don't Disturb! 请勿打扰。

Sorry to disturb you, 不好意思,打扰了!

His strange behavior disturbed me, 他的怪异行为让我烦恼!


He is the man we have heard so much about.

The shelf which you put those books on has collapsed.

Whom did you received the letter from ?

This is the way which we came by.

Where is the pencil which you were playing with.

Experts eventuall decided to investigate because people's descriptions of the puma had a lot in common.

Puma never attach a human being except when they are cornered.


Puma will not attack human being unless it is cornered


Mrs.Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in her guarden . It was nearly lunch time, so she decided to home.

She was just leaving the garden when she heard a noise from the nearby , then she saw an animal which was cat-like. She knew it was not a cat because the sound she heard was not the same or similar to the one from the cat.

The animal suddently was running toward to her and she though it would attach her. She dropped her basket and run as quickly as she could. Hearing the sound, the animal had came to approach, after which, Mrs. Stone was shocked to realized the severe situation under which she was, and ran all the way home. She told her neigbor that she had seen a puma in her guarden, but they did not believe her. She also telephoned the police, but they did not take it seriously.

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