
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662022-11-07 07:09:01

(Credit: Searchlight)

The French Dispatch《法兰西特派》


Wes Anderson fans rejoice: the writer-director's 10th film is his most Wes Anderson-ish ever. In The French Dispatch, he takes his meticulous style to new extremes, so barely a frame goes by that isn't ornamented with a split screen, a freeze frame, a sans serif caption, a florid voiceover, or a switch between monochrome and garish colour. Beneath all these elaborate quirks is an anthology of three whimsical short stories set in the fictional French town of Ennui-sur-Blasé, and supposedly drawn from the pages of a New Yorker-style magazine in the mid-20th Century. Timothée Chalamet, Benicio del Toro and Léa Seydoux star alongside such Anderson regulars as Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Tilda Swinton and Jason Schwartzman.




(Credit: 20th-Century Studios)

Ron's Gone Wrong《天赐灵机》


The first feature-length cartoon from a new British studio, Locksmith Animation, Ron's Gone Wrong is a family comedy about the differences between social media and physical interaction. Its schoolboy hero, Barney (Jack Dylan Grazer), is given what seems to be the ideal toy, a shiny robot which is programmed to be his friend – assuming it works properly. The snag is that this particular robot, Ron (Zach Galifianakis), barely works at all. "Children want someone who agrees with them, who wants to play the same games as them… and that's the type of dream the technology world offers you," the film's co-writer and co-director, Sarah Smith, said. "And in our movie, Barney ends up with Ron, who's completely dysfunctional and broken, who doesn't agree with him and doesn't know anything about him, and they have to build this relationship from that point."




(Credit: A24 Films)



Lee Isaac Chung's autobiographical drama has had glowing reviews, but it has also been the source of controversy. Most of the dialogue is in Korean, so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category. But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s, so some commentators have argued that calling its language "foreign" is outdated and insulting. Glenn Whipp in the Los Angeles Times says that the film "feels like a balm right now, a gentle, truthful and tender story of family filled with kind people trying to love one another the best they can. "




(Credit: Gareth Gatrell/Signature Entertainment)

The Courier《信使》


Benedict Cumberbatch has been tipped as a potential James Bond, but in The Courier, he plays one of Bond's less glamorous real-life counterparts. In 1960, just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007, a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet secrets back from Moscow. In the film, his wife (Jessie Buckley) wants him to abandon this increasingly dangerous mission, but Wynne believes that only his espionage can defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. Directed by Dominic Cooke, The Courier has a "fascinating" story, says Benjamin Lee at the Guardian, but it is Cumberbatch's performance that sells it.








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