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King's Scholars是伊顿专门奖励最优秀学生的奖学金,获奖者会获得经济资助以完成整个学业。伊顿每年都会有14名13岁的学生获得这个奖学金。(伊顿还会给最多12名学生提供Orwell Awards奖学金,以奖励入读其Sixth Form,即相当于英国12年级的男孩)



如果你家小朋友也能回答出以下10个问题,那么也可以一试英国顶尖私校——伊顿公学的King's Scholars奖学金申请。

1、If today is Friday, what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that precedes the day before yesterday?(这是什么问题?把人绕晕了……)

答案: Thursday

*题目来源:Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2011

2、How many even numbers are there from 100 to 1000 inclusive?


*题目来源: Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2015


3、It's 2040, and you're the UK Prime Minister. Explain why it was "both necessary and moral" for you to employ the Army to fight — and kill — violent protesters in London.


The year is 2040. There have been riots in the streets of London after Britain has run out of petrol because of an oil crisis in the Middle East. Protesters have attacked public buildings. Several policemen have died.

Consequently, the Government has deployed the Army to curb the protests. After two days the protests have been stopped but twenty-five protesters have been killed by the Army.

You are the Prime Minister. Write the script for a speech to be broadcast to the nation in which you explain why employing the Army against violent protesters was the only option available to you and one which was both necessary and moral.

*题目来源: Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2011

4、As a judge, decide whether a property owner should pay compensation to someone who walked through her field and got attacked by a bull.


A woman called Cinderella took a short cut to her local railway station across a field owned by Snow White. Members of the public had been crossing Snow White's field to get to the railway station for 35 years.

Snow White had made attempts to prevent people from doing so but had never taken any serious action because some of the people stopped at her house to buy milk that she sold there and she was pleased to be able to sell it.

One day, when crossing the field, Cinderella was attacked by a bull which had been placed in the field by Snow White. The bull had been in the field for many months. Cinderella knew it was there and had regularly cross the field before when it was present.

*题目来源: Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2008


5、Geography is fundamentally about the study of places. What is the most important place in the world, and why?

*题目来源: Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2017

6、Many past papers also include a section containing several phrases written in a made-up language, and ask students to work out what they meant, and write their own sentences in the made-up language.

7、Fill in the blanks to create an oxymoron.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines apparently contradictory words for special effect, like "hot ice" and "wise fool."

Fill in the blanks to create oxymorons:

"I like a smuggler. He is the only ___ thief."

"I am a ___ superficial person."

He belongs to the ___ dead."

答案:Honest, genuinely, living

*题目来源: Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2009

8、"Wet and windy with occasional sunny spells" (summary weather forecast, 16th January 2015). To what extent could this statement be applied equally to the UK's climate?

*题目来源: Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2015

9、"A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past." How far do you agree with this statement?

*题目来源:Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2015

10、Write a response of no more than 700 words, in whatever style seems appropriate, on: The Future.

*题目来源: Eton College King's Scholarship Examination 2017









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