
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-26 16:36:09



1、表示感觉或心理状态的动词.如:see,watch,observe,look at,hear,listen to,feel,notice,think、,notice,see, find等。

1) I heard the song sung in English.


2) He found his hometown greatly changed.



1)I'll have my hair cut tomorrow.


I had my wallet stolen on a bus last month.

The old man had his leg broken in the accident.
He had his leg broken in the match yesterday.

They managed to make themselves understood in very simple English.

I raised my voice to make myself heard.

2)He got his tooth pulled out yesterday.


Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.(谚语:少说多看)

3)Don't leave those things undone.


Don't leave such an important thing undone.把那些重要事情做完。

3、表示思维活动的动词如consider, know, think等后。如:

1)I consider the matter settled.


2)I thought myself wronged somehow in the bargain.


4、表示爱憎,意愿的动词如want, wish, like, hate、expect等后。如:

1)I wanted two tickets reserved.


2)He didn't wish it mentioned.


The boss wouldn't like the problem discussed at the moment.

I would like my house painted white.
I want the suit made to his own measure.
I wish the problem settled.





He had his money stolen.



He had his leg broken.

他的腿断了。 (自己的经历)

动词 宾语 过去分词

【典例】I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard my name _______ (mention) on the radio.

【解析】由于mention与其前用作宾语的my name之间为被动关系,故用过去分词mentioned。句意为:听到收音机里提到我的名字,我简直不相信自己的耳朵。

【拓展】注意体会下面句子中的“动词 宾语 过去分词”结构:

I noticed their car parked outside. 我注意到他们的车子停在外面。

I don’t speak good French, but I can make myself understood. 我说不好法语,但我能使别人听懂我的话。

It can be cheaper to stump up for a new washing machine than to get your old one repaired. 掏钱买个新的洗衣机可能比你修理旧的还要更便宜。

三、过去分词用在“with 宾语+宾补”这一结构中,过去分词与宾语之间是动宾关系。如:

The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.

With many brightly-coloured flowers planted around the building ,his house looks like a beautiful garden.

With everything well arranged,he left the office.

【典例】With everything ________ (take) into consideration, we all think this is a very good plan.

【解析】根据短语 take everything into consideration(将每一件事都考虑到)可知,动词take与everything之间为动宾关系,而在本题中everything位于动词take之前,显然这里的everything应该是指“被考虑”,故填过去分词taken。句意为:每件事都考虑到了,我们都认为这是一项不错的计划。

【拓展】注意体会下面句子中的“with 宾语 过去分词”结构:

He sat in the chair with his legs crossed. 他盘着双腿坐在椅子上。

You look different with your hair cut. 你理发以后样子不同了。

These activities are free, with lunch provided. 这些活动不收费,而且还提供午餐。

还有一个类型:介词without 宾语 过去分词

【典例】The manager went angrily away without a word ________ (say).

【分析】根据句意可知,a word与say之间为被动关系,即填过去分词said。句意为:经理一句话没说就生气地走了。

【拓展】注意体会下面句子中的“without 宾语 过去分词”结构:

They left without a plate untouched. 他们走了,没有一盘菜没动过。

We discussed it for several for hours without a decision taken. 我们对此讨论了几个小时,也没作出决定。





不定式作宾补: 表一个完成的动作、或表一个很短时间内看到、听到或感觉到的具体动作。

eg:He didn't notice me waiting.

I heard the song sung in English.

I saw him opening the window.

I saw the window opened.

I saw him open the window.

I heard her sing the song in English.


1. Hearing the news, I felt a great weight _______ (take) off my mind.

2. We’ve decided to drive there, so you must get the car _______ (repair) as soon as possible.

3. On hearing his name _______ (call) the sleeping dog suddenly jumped up.

4. Only by shouting was he able to make himself _______ (hear).

5. Young children often prefer their house _______ (paint) white or green.

6. Do you know the man with his hair _______ (tie) back?

7. With different methods used, different results are _______ (obtain).

8. With the harvest _______ (finish), I was able to relax with an easy mind.

9. With the contract finally _______ (sign), we breathed a sigh of relief as we drank a toast in celebration.

10. Without anything _______ (leave) in the cupboard, she went out to get something to eat.


参考答案:1. taken 2. repaired 3. called 4. heard 5. painted 6. tied 7. obtained 8. finished 9. signed 10. left




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