
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-02 20:25:09


Section B

46.spoken 口语的;spoken English口语英语; speaking English分词短语,说英语;English-speaking合成形容词,说英语的

47.mistake 名词,错误;make mistakes=make a mistake;make mistakes in;make a living;make friends;make faces

make phone calls;make the bed;make noise;make cakes;make dumplings;make bread;make sentences;make peace

make dinner;make a fire;make money;make a plan;make up one’s mind;make sure;make a promise;make an effort

努力make a comparison;make an appointment with与…约会;make sb stressed out使某人心力交瘁(筋疲力尽)

48.slow 形容词或副词,比较等级slower, slowest;slowly 副词,比较等级more slowly ,most slowly;做副词时,除在动词ing之前及it is slowly that句型中只用 slowly之外,一般都可用 slow,且只有slow可以与how连用。

49.comma 可数名词,逗号

50.challenge 动词或名词,挑战 accept/face the challenge接受/面对挑战

51.get … right使…正确,纠正… get 宾语 宾语补足语 使某人/某事物处于某种状态或位置,宾语补足语可以用形容词、现在分词、过去分词、不定式或介词短语等。You must get the machine running all the time.

The work gets everyone tired.Can you get the car started?She got a bike from her classmate to go home.

52.forget/remember to do sth.忘记/记得要做某事(没做)forget/remember doing sth.忘记/记得做了某事(已做)

53.not always 未必,不一定;not 与all,always,every等词连用,表部分否定。完全否定no one,none,neither等。

54.solution名词,(问题、疑难等的)解决 solve动词,解决

55.look for寻找,强调动作 find找到,强调结果 find out查出来,强调过程(动作和结果)

56.join 党派、团体或人群 加入党派/团体/人群;join in = take part in 活动 参加某活动;join hands握手

57.a partner to practice English with一个跟我练习英语的同伴。动词不定式作后置定语时,不能丢掉应有的介词。

a room to live in一住的房间the man to look for在寻找的那人Give me some paper to write on给些纸写字

58.maybe副词,也许,可能,相当于perhaps,常用于句首。 may be 情态动词加原形,构成谓语形式。

He may be a policeman.=Maybe he is a policeman. Maybe she is at home.= She may be at home.




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