
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-02 23:23:58


(1) 作为副词,around可以有动态和静态的不同意义:


Around and around they drove. 他们开着车子转来转去。

She glanced around. 她环顾周围。

It is 12m around. 它的周围一圈是十二米。

The dog followed us around. 狗到处跟着我们。

She showed us around. /她带着我们看这地方。

She offered the chocolate around. 她请遍了大家尝巧克力。

There's a rumor going around. 有个谣言到处流传。

I phoned around. 我给好几处打了电话。

She was rolling around on the floor. 她在地板上滚来滚去。

He was waving a knife around. 他拿着一把刀子晃来晃去。

She rummaged around in her bag. 她伸手进袋子里翻找。


All around are towering skyscrapers. 周围全是高耸的摩天大楼。

There's nothing for miles around. 周围好多英里之内空空如也。

Is John around? 约翰在吗?

There's no one around.这里一个人也没有。

I'm usually around after eight.我通常八点钟以后在。


Computers weren't around in those days. 那些日子,还没有电脑。

She's the only person around who really understands. 真正懂得的,只有她一个人还活着。

The idea has been around for quite a while. 这个主意,好长时间就已经有了。

In 40 years none of us will be around. 再过四十年,我们大家全都不在人间了。

(2) 作为介词,around也可以有动态和静态的不同意义:



She looked around her.她环顾四周。


They traveled around Europe. 他们在欧洲各地旅行。

He sailed around the world. 他航海走遍世界各地。

She took them around the house. 她带他们到房子各处看看。



They sat around the fire. 他们围着篝火坐着。

Do you live around here? 你就住在这附近吗?


I depended upon my oldest son the most to help with chores around the house. 我主要依靠大儿子帮我干家里的杂活(这里around the house不是“在房子外面周围”)。

We have more than 100 locations around the US for your convenience. 本公司分布在美国各地一百多处地点,方便阁下光临(不是“在美国外面周围”)。

A number of uniformed officers were sitting around the living room as if it were a doctor's waiting room. 若干穿着制服的军官坐在客厅里(不是“在客厅外面周围”),仿佛客厅是医生的候诊室似的。




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