introducing怎么读的,introduce 怎么读

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introducing怎么读的,introduce 怎么读(1)

introducing怎么读的,introduce 怎么读(2)

introducing怎么读的,introduce 怎么读(3)




[00:20.74]He experimented with helicopter designs and flying machines.









[00:47.03]I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink

[00:49.98]in my hand and reflecting on the day, a day of pure magic!




[01:05.29]n.[U]邮件;邮政 vt. 邮寄




[01:18.65]adj.主要的,最重要的 n. 主管道

[01:24.78]Ships from all points of the compass

[01:28.30]would drop anchor here at the main port of London.




[01:40.15]adj.主要的 n.[C]主修科目 vi. 主修

[01:46.93]One of the major problems facing the hill

[01:50.14]tribe children along the mountainous borders

[01:53.08]of northern Thailand is poverty.





[02:07.45]His dream was that the Olympic Games would make

[02:11.59]it possible for countries and people

[02:13.98]to live peacefully side by side.






[02:32.45]adj.马来西亚的;马来西亚人的 n.[C]马来西亚人


[02:40.92]adj.男(性)的;雄性的 n. 男性

[02:49.00]If you have sex with a male or a femaleuse a condom.



[03:03.65]King Henry VII was a poet and a man who cared about language.


[03:13.26]vt.& vi.完成(困难的事);管理 vi. 能解决(问题)

[03:24.55]Chinese people managed to travel further

[03:28.16]and further along the Silk Road,introducing silk,

[03:32.33]china, tea, etc. to other countries.



[03:44.17]Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of

[03:47.26]the local factory where the crop is processed.





[04:03.15]He may be conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous,

[04:08.41]but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches

[04:12.34]about respect for elders—

[04:14.99]as if mere age were a reason for respect.


[04:23.06]adj.& pron.许多

[04:25.72]It is believed by many people to have been gradually

[04:28.24]covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.












[04:58.17]n.[C]行军 vi. 行军 vt. 迫使(某人)一起走


[05:09.74]n.标志;符号 v. 标示



[05:20.87]Once the product goes on the market,

[05:24.08]its sales figures—the amount which has been sold—

[05:28.14]should be reported every day,

[05:31.32]so the company can check the progress of their product.





[05:50.55]The handsome prince says that

[05:53.63]he will solve the riddles and marry her.


[05:59.74]n.[C]面罩(具);遮盖物 vt. 掩饰


[06:09.62]n.[C]块,团 adj. 大批的


[06:17.01]n.[C]硕士 vt. 控制 adj. 最重要的

[06:23.00]In this way self-confidence grows,

[06:26.08]first from mastering a subject,

[06:29.26]then from being able to talk about it.




[06:40.75]n.[C]比赛,竞赛 vt. 使相配

[06:46.37]Mr. Johnson ended his speech by wishing

[06:49.82]the Olympic movement a successful

[06:52.06]future to match its glorious past.






[07:09.49]n.[C]事情;问题 v.有关系

[07:15.29]Today, athletes from around the world can take part,

[07:19.78]no matter what language they speak.




[07:34.80]n.[C]最大限度;最大量 adj. 最高的




[07:46.37]modal v.可以;可能,也许








[08:13.57]v.意思是 adj. 平均的 n. 平均值

[08:19.55]In most countries, nodding the head up

[08:22.84]and down shows agreement,

[08:24.69]while shaking the head means that you don’t agree,

[08:27.44]or that you refuse to do something.



[08:39.00]The answer to the question contains a word which,

[08:42.92]when spoken, can have two meanings.






[09:02.97]n.测量;措施 v. 测量





[09:17.22]In China, scientists have focused

[09:20.94]their efforts on cloning animals,

[09:23.03]as well as stem cells to be used in medical research.

[09:26.22]China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats,

[09:30.40]and continues to research ways in

[09:33.23]which cloning can benefit mankind.




[09:45.10]n.[C]方法;媒介 adj. 中间的


[09:52.77]vt.碰见,遇见 n.体育比赛








[10:15.35]adj. 纪念的,追悼的 n. 纪念碑




[10:29.67]vt.修理 vi.痊愈 n.[C]好转




[10:43.88]n.提及;说起 v. 提到

[10:49.73]I think the scientific advances mentioned

[10:53.52]in your article are fantastic.




[11:03.46]n.[C]商人,批发商 adj. 海上货运的












[11:45.66]n.消息,信息 vt. 向…传送(电子信息)

[11:55.69]Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message

[12:00.14]by radio to the nearest town.










[12:26.90]adj.墨西哥的;墨西哥人的 n. 墨西哥人








[12:47.23]n.中间;当中 adj. 中间的




[13:00.86]modal v.可能,也许 n.力量

[13:06.14]This might make wood and seafood more expensive,

[13:09.77]but paying a higher price for some things is

[13:13.00]not always bad for the economy.


[13:20.65]adj.温和的;暖和的 n. 淡味啤酒





[13:36.11]The list included most of the things Hugh lovesbutter,

[13:40.14]potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets.








[14:01.58]n.头脑;思维 v. 介意

[14:07.70]Try to get your friend’s mind off the subject

[14:11.21]and be extra supportive when the time comes to rewrite the exam.








[14:32.92]n.最小值;最低限度 adj. 最小的

[14:38.93]Then families will be able to spend the maximum amount of

[14:43.53]time enjoying each other’s company

[14:46.03]and the minimum amount of time doing housework.








[15:13.60]prep.减 adj. 负面的 n.[C]负号

[15:19.45]The average winter temperatures here are

[15:22.96]usually minus 20 degrees centigrade.


[15:30.20]n.[C]分钟;一会儿 adj.微小的









[15:55.05]Other popular courses include Physics,

[15:57.59]which is of course famous for splitting atoms

[16:00.90]and helping to create nuclear missiles.






[16:17.20]v.误会;误解 n.[C]错误






[16:39.20]v.混合;(使)结合 n. 混合

[16:48.76]They each had their own language and Anglo-Saxon

[16:52.66](the base of Old English) developed

[16:55.05]from mixing these languages with Celtic.






[17:12.16]adj.易变的;非固定的 n. 手机

[17:19.13]The mobile arrived to suit a time of mobility.

[17:22.63]mobile phone


















[18:21.63]They collect one rand per day from each member

[18:25.78]and add it to a sum of money the government gives them.


[18:34.70]n.[C]班长;监视器 v. 监视

[18:40.14]They have to monitor the robots and the production.










[19:03.81]vt.擦干;用拖把擦干净 n.[C]拖把


[19:12.20]adj.道德的;道义上的 n. 道德

[19:18.46]Mind, Body and Spirit is a popular TV programme

[19:22.77]featuring human interest stories about people

[19:26.67]who have shown exceptional physical, mental or moral courage,

[19:31.98]in a wide range of situations.






[19:50.63]adj.穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的 n. 穆斯林





[20:08.04]I hate to contradict you, but in recent years,

[20:13.61]the Cannes Film Festival has given awards mostly to American films.








[20:37.74]n.[C]发动机,马达 adj. 汽车的







[21:01.41]Instead they are caught on the edge of a mountain

[21:05.46]in a snowstorm in a small wooden house,

[21:09.22]where they have nothing to eat.




[21:22.90]vt.& vi.哀悼;忧伤








[21:44.60]n.[C]移动;行动 v. 移动

[21:50.08]These movements are monitored continuously

[21:53.16]as the viewer moves around inside the film.
















[22:43.24]adj.泥泞的;浑浊的 vt. 使变得泥泞




[23:00.87]n.[C]妈妈 adj.(keep the~)保持沉默


[23:07.41]vt.谋*,凶* n. 谋*

[23:12.57]We’ve been looking at other possibilities too, such as murder.




[23:25.13]n.[C]蘑菇,伞菌 vi. 迅速增加



[23:36.94]In beautiful parks, old couples in colourful clothing

[23:40.58]dance to music from a radio while youngsters

[23:43.66]in the latest fashions stroll by listening

[23:46.86]to rock music on their headsets.


[23:54.52]adj.音乐的;悦耳的 n.[C]音乐剧




[24:05.52]modal v.必须;一定 n.必须做的事物













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