
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 19:02:26



long—longer(长的), tall--taller(高的) fast—faster(更快), funny—funnier(更有趣) friendly—friendlier(更友好的),early—earlier(更早),lazy—lazier(更懒惰), high—higher(更高), hard—harder(更努力) ,quiet—quieter(更安静,更内向),smart—smarter(更聪明),loud —louder(更响亮),good\well--better (更好) many\much—more (更多),popular—more popular(更受欢迎),loudly—more loudly(更响亮) outgoing--more outgoing(更外向/更开朗), hard-working—more hard-working(更努力)clearly—more clearly(更清楚)serious—more serious(更严肃)


1.比较级表示两个人或物的比较。所用的句型为"比较级 than"(比…更…),若than前后所使用的的动词相同时,通常用助动词代替后面的动词,后面的动词或助动词可以省略。注意比较的对象必须性质相同。I am taller than my brother.我比我的弟弟高。He is more outgoing than me.他比我外向。

2.比较级前,可以用much(更…,多得多…),a lot(更…,多得多…),even(更…,多得多…),a little(稍微)来表示程度。I am a little thinner than my sister.我比我的妹妹稍微瘦。

She is much more beautiful than her sister.她比她的妹妹更漂亮。

3. both…and…两者都(后面的动词用复数形式)Both Tom and Jim are students. 汤姆和吉姆都是学生。 good at 名词\代词\doing:擅长,在某方面做得好

He is good at math.他擅长数学(math为名词)I am good at playing basketball.我擅长打篮球。(play为动词)

5.make sb do sth:让某人做某事He makes me help him.他让我帮助他。

6.the same as与…相同His book is the same as my book.他的书与我的书一样。 talented in sth:在某方面有天赋He is talented in music.他在音乐方面有天赋。 like:像The books are like friends.书像朋友。

11.make friends (with sb):(和某人)交朋友

He often makes friends with children.他经常和孩子们交朋友.

12,enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事 Tom enjoys reading.汤姆喜欢读书。 different from与…不同My brother is different from me.我弟弟与我不一样。 sb to (do) sth:帮助某人做某事

常与help sb with sth(在某方面帮助某人)互换

He often helps me (to) learn English.他经常帮助我学习英语。

= He often helps me with my English.他经常在英语方面帮助我。

help (to) do sth:帮助做某事He often helps( to)cook at home.他经常在家帮助做饭。 about关心

My parents often care about my study.我的父母亲经常关心我的学习.

16.比较级表示最高级常用:比较级 than the other 可数名词复数

=比较级 than any other 可数名词单数(用于一范围内一个与余下进行比较) 例如:

He is the tallest student in our class .(最高级)在我们班他是最高的学生。

= He is taller than any other student in our class.

= He is taller than the other students in our class.在我们班,他比其他的学生高。


shanghai is the biggest city in china.上海是中国最大的城市。


= good with sb:与某人相处很好

The teacher is good with students.这位老师与学生相处很好。

18.information (n.消息,信息)不可数名词


good(好)—best,bad\badly(坏的)—worst,frest(新鲜的)—frestest, big(大)—biggest fast(快的)--fastest new(新的)—newest cheap(便宜的)—cheapest funny(有趣的)- funniest

close(近的)—closest short(矮的)—shortest quiet(安静的,内向的)—quietest

expensive(昂贵的)—most expensive,

popular(受欢迎的)—most popular,

quikcly(快地)—most quikcly

beautiful(美丽的)—most beautiful,

comefortable(舒服的)—most comefortable

cheaply(便宜地)—most cheaply

carefully(仔细地,细心地)—most carefully

boring(无聊的)—most boring

exciting(令人兴奋的)—most exciting

interesting(令人感兴趣的)—most interesting

serious(严肃的,认真的)—most serious

creative(有创造力的)—most creative,

talented(有天赋的)—most talented



He is the tallest in his class.在他那个班,他是最高的。

Tom studies (the) best of the three students.在这三个学生中汤姆学习最好


He is the tallest student in our class.在我们班他是最高的学生。

(tall为形容词,the不能省) 汤姆在他那个学校跑得最快。(fast为副词修饰动词run,the可以省略)

Tom runs (the) fastest in his school.

20welcome to 地点:欢迎来到某地 Welcome to our school.欢迎来我校。

21.What do you think of sth?

=How dou you like sth?你认为...怎么样?

What do you think of the book?你认为这本书怎么样? It is boring.很无聊。

22.not…at all:一点也不

He doesn't like the book at all.他一点也不喜欢这本书。 sb do sth:看见某人做了某事(= see sb do sth )

I watched him play basketball yesterday.昨天我看见他打篮球了。

24.比较级别 and 比较级:越来越…

(若比较级为:more 形容词原级,则为:more and more形容词原级)

The buildings are taller and taller.楼房越来越高。

Our school is getting more and more beautiful.我们的学校正在变得越来越漂亮。

be up to sb由某人来决定,常用于be up to sb to do sth做某事由某人来决定

It's not up to you to choose the best singer.选择最好的哥唱者不由你来决定。 a role in (doing) sth:在(做)某事中起作用

He played a role in helping the children.他在帮助这些孩子们中起了一定的作用。

enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事He enjoyed watching cartoons.他喜欢看动画片。

补充:enjoy oneself过地快乐She enjoyed herself yesterday.昨天她过地很快乐。

28.make sb do sth:让某人做某事 come true (梦想等)实现

My mother often makes me get up early.我妈妈经常让我早起。

29.a (good\best) place to do sth:做某事的(好)地方

Our school is a good place to study.我们学校是一个学习的好地方。





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