More than 20 people were killed or remain missing after torrential downpours unleashed floods in South China. The rain-triggered floods had affected some 2.63 million people in 11 provincial-level regions as of 2 pm Tuesday, the Ministry of Emergency Management said. The heavy rain forced the relocation of about 228,000 people, destroyed over 1,300 houses and brought direct economic losses of over 4 billion yuan (about $566 million), the ministry said.强降雨引发的华南地区洪水已经导致20多人死亡或失踪。应急管理部表示,截至6月9日14时,降雨导致的洪涝灾害已造成11省(区、市)近263万人次受灾,22.8万人次紧急转移安置;1300余间房屋倒塌;直接经济损失超过40亿元。
在英文报道中,讲到“降雨”时通常会出现rain、drizzle、downpour、shower等词汇。其中,rain是“雨”的总称,我们通过在这个词的前面添加不同的形容词来表示不同程度的降雨,比如:heavy rain(大雨)、light rain(小雨)、中雨(moderate rain)、暴雨(torrential rain)、大暴雨(downpour)、特大暴雨(heavy downpour)。
In Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in South China, six people were killed and one is missing after days of downpours.广西壮族自治区连日降雨导致6人死亡,1人失踪。
Over 1 million people have been affected by the floods, including 147,900 who were relocated to safe areas, the regional flood control and drought relief headquarters said Tuesday.当地防汛抗旱总指挥部表示,受灾人数超过100万,有14万7900人被转移到安全地带。
In central Hunan province, seven people had been killed and one remained missing as of Tuesday.截至6月9日,湖南中部已有7人死亡,1人失踪。
Authorities said 321,000 people were affected in 21 counties and cities of Hunan, and 11,000 residents were relocated and received assistance.当地政府表示,湖南共有21个县市的32.1万人受灾,1.1万人被转移救助。
In Guizhou province in Southwest China, intense rain has left eight people missing or dead, the local emergency response department said, adding that 2,800 people were relocated.贵州应急管理部门表示,强降雨已导致当地8人死亡或失踪,2800人被转移安置。
The rain and flooding also damaged 10,700 hectares of crops and damaged more than 2,800 houses in the mountainous province, according to the department.降雨及洪水破坏农田1.07万公顷,损毁房屋2800多间。
In south China's Guangdong province, over 20,000 people were relocated following heavy rains, the local emergency management department said Tuesday, adding that hundreds of tents, as well as clothes, bottled water and food, have been delivered to the hard-hit cities of Zhaoqing and Qingyuan.广东省应急管理部门表示,受强降雨影响,当地已有超过2万人被转移安置,数百顶帐篷、衣物、瓶装水以及食物等物资已运抵受灾最严重的肇庆和清远。
From Wednesday night to Thursday night, heavy rain and rainstorms are expected in some parts of Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Chongqing, Guizhou, Guangxi and Heilongjiang, the National Meteorological Center (NMC) said.中央气象台表示,6月10日晚至6月11日晚,湖北、湖南、江西、浙江、福建、重庆、贵州、广西及黑龙江部分地区将有大雨或暴雨。
蓝色预警(blue alert)
黄色预警(yellow alert)
橙色预警(orange alert)
红色预警(red alert)
国歌条例 National Anthem Ordinance
he National Anthem Ordinance provides for the playing and singing, protection and promotion of the national anthem to preserve the dignity of the country, enhance the sense of national identity among citizens and promote patriotism.《国歌条例》为奏唱、保护及推广国歌订定条文,以维护国家的尊严,增强公民的国家观念,弘扬爱国精神。
The offences stipulated in the Ordinance only concern the misuse of the national anthem, or public and intentional acts with an intent to insult the national anthem.《国歌条例》所订明的罪行只涉及不当使用国歌,或公开、故意、意图侮辱国歌的行为。
在法律用语中,ordinance多指地方性法规(a law, usually one made by a city or regional government);regulation则多指行政机关或公司等组织机构制定的规章或者规定,比如,safety regulations,corporate regulations等。
In accordance with Article 18 of the Basic Law, the national laws listed in Annex III to the Basic Law shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR.根据香港《基本法》第十八条的规定,凡列于香港基本法附件三的全国性法律,由香港特别行政区在当地公布或立法实施。
Like the national flag and the national emblem, the national anthem is the symbol and sign of the nation. As an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China, the HKSAR is duty-bound to preserve the dignity of the national anthem through legislation.国歌与国旗、国徽一样,是国家的象征和标志。香港特别行政区作为国家不可分离的部分,立法维护国歌的尊严,是特区应有之义。
I hope that members of the public will respect the national anthem of their own volition, hence the promotion of the national anthem is of paramount importance. To let our next generation understand the history and spirit of the national anthem and to observe the etiquette for the playing and singing of the national anthem, the Education Bureau will update its learning and teaching resources and issue directions to schools through circulars to support schools in teaching students.
本土疫情 domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases
Experts said it is extremely unlikely for seafood like salmon to be the carrier of the novel coronavirus, which was found on cutting boards for imported salmon at Beijing's Xinfadi wholesale market.北京新发地批发市场切三文鱼的案板中检测到了新冠病毒,专家表示,像三文鱼之类的海鲜不太可能成为新冠病毒的载体。
Fish in their natural habitat cannot catch coronavirus, however, they can be contaminated by workers during capture or transportation.鱼类在其自然栖息地不会带新冠病毒,不过在捕捞或运输过程中可能被工作人员污染。
Our seafood products are typically stored and transported in cold containers, thus it is possible for the virus to be preserved for a long time and increase the likelihood of infecting people.很多海产品都是冷冻储存,在这样的环境下,病毒能够存活很长时间,传染人的几率也更大。
The first may be the influx of meat and seafood to the market from all over the country and around the world. Some of it may have been contaminated by infected workers during processing and transportation, then the virus jumped from produce to people.第一种可能,批发市场里被新冠病毒污染的海产品或肉类是源头。批发市场很多海产品、肉类等都是外地输入的,包括海外进口。新冠病毒感染者在处理和运输这些产品时可能会造成污染,从而导致经手处理的员工感染病毒。
The second possibility is person-to-person transmission. "The infected person who brought the virus into the market might be asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms, and the hustle and bustle of the market led to the cluster of new infections," he said.第二种可能是人传人。他可能是一个从其他疫源地过来的人,被感染之后没有症状或症状很轻,此后对新发地批发市场造成了污染,导致了疫情的集聚。
Based on preliminary analysis of the two early cases, the coronavirus strain in the latest outbreak is different from the ones found in China, and early data suggest it is a mutated variety from Europe.根据对两个病例样本的初步分析,此次发病的病毒毒株不像是国内流行的类型,初步数据显示,可能是从欧洲方向来的变异类型。
However, people should take this finding with a grain of salt as more testing is being conducted to confirm the origin of virus.不过,人们对这个结论也不可轻信,确认病毒来源还需进行更多检测。
All personnel in the Xinfadi market and nearby residents will receive nucleic acid tests and be put under medical observation. Those who have had close contact with workers at the market since May 30 should take the initiative to report to their employers and communities, and go through testing.新发地市场所有工作人员及周边居民都将接受核酸检测及医学观察。5月30日以来与该市场工作人员有过接触的人员应主动向单位和社区报备,并接受核酸检测。
From 3 am on Saturday, the market has been shut down for probes into its contamination and infection risk, as well as cleaning and disinfection.6月13日凌晨3时起,新发地市场闭市进行病毒感染风险调查以及消*。
Eleven residential areas nearby are now closed to nonresidents, and several primary schools and kindergartens near the market are suspended.周边11个居民小区封闭管理,小学和幼儿园停课。
Five suspended trade fairs have been disinfected and 252 agricultural product markets that are in operation are urged to conduct disinfection on a daily basis.五个休市的交易市场进行消*,另外252个还在营业的农产品交易市场要求每天进行消毒。
All hospitals were required to perform nucleic acid and antibody tests, a CT scan and a routine blood test on patients with a fever.要求所有医院对发热病人进行核算检测、抗体检测、CT以及血常规检查。
抗疫特别国债 special government bonds for covid-19 control
The Ministry of Finance will issue two batches of fixed-rate special bonds, including 50 billion yuan of five-year bonds and 50 billion yuan of seven-year bonds. Both will be listed and traded on June 23, 2020.在这两期特别国债中,一期为5年期固定利率附息债,二期为7年期固定利率附息债。两期国债竞争性招标面值总额均为500亿元,6月23日起上市交易。
国债(government bonds/treasury bonds)是由国家发行的债券(government debt securities issued by the central government),是中央政府为筹集财政资金而发行的一种政府债券,是中央政府向投资者出具的、承诺在一定时期支付利息(pay periodic interest)和到期偿还本金(pay a par amount equal to the principal at maturity)的债权债务凭证,由于国债的发行主体是国家,所以它具有最高的信用度,被公认为是最安全的投资工具。
我国的国债由财政部代表中央政府发行,除因为一些特殊项目而发行的特别国债外,常见的普通国债一般分为凭证式国债(certificated treasury bonds)和记账式国债(book-entry treasury bonds)。
The deficit-to-GDP ratio this year is projected at more than 3.6 percent, with a deficit increase of one trillion yuan over last year. On top of this, one trillion yuan of government bonds for covid-19 control will also be issued. These are extraordinary measures for an unusual time.今年赤字率拟按3.6%以上安排,财政赤字规模比去年增加1万亿元,同时发行1万亿元抗疫特别国债。这是特殊时期的特殊举措。
The aforementioned two trillion yuan will be transferred in full to local governments; a special transfer payment mechanism will be set up to ensure that funds go straight to prefecture and county governments and directly benefit businesses and people. These funds should be primarily used to ensure employment, meet basic living needs, and protect market entities. This includes giving support to cut taxes and fees, reduce rents and interest on loans, and increase consumption and investment. It is important to stress that government funds are public in nature and that no such funds are allowed to be withheld or diverted for non-designated uses.上述2万亿元全部转给地方,建立特殊转移支付机制,资金直达市县基层、直接惠企利民,主要用于保就业、保基本民生、保市场主体,包括支持减税降费、减租降息、扩大消费和投资等,强化公共财政属性,决不允许截留挪用。
财政部副部长许宏才日前公开表示,抗疫特别国债主要用于有一定的资产收益保障的公共卫生等基础设施建设和抗疫的相关支出(infrastructure construction related to COVID-19 control),包括支持小微企业发展(support the development of small and micro enterprises)、财政贴息、减免租金补贴(provide fiscal and rent subsidies)等。
应急响应级别 the emergency response level
在6月16日晚间召开的北京市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作新闻发布会上,北京市人民政府副秘书长陈蓓表示,经北京新冠肺炎疫情防控工作领导小组研究,按程序报批后,确定自6月16日起北京市突发公共卫生应急响应级别由三级调至二级(upgraded the emergency response to COVID-19 from level III to II)。
北京市应急响应级别由三级调至二级后,将坚持“九严格”措施,包括严格社区封闭式管理(closed-off management)和健康监测(health monitoring);严格公共交通体温检测和公共场所测温验码等措施;严格进出京管控等。
People entering the city from overseas will be put under medical observation at designated places, and undergo nucleic acid tests.境外入京人员全部集中观察和核酸检测。
Those from the medium- and high-risk neighborhoods and relevant people from the Xinfadi farm produce market, where most of the new confirmed cases are related, are not allowed to leave Beijing.中高风险街乡、新发地市场相关人员禁止离京。
Classes are moved online for primary and middle school students, and class resumption of college students will be suspended.恢复中小学各年级线上教学,高校学生停止返校。
The capital city demands certain team sports such as basketball, football and volleyball, to come to a halt.停止开放篮球、排球、足球等团体性及对抗性运动项目。
Venues of cultural entertainment, swimming pools and gyms will remain closed.关闭文化娱乐场所和地下空间体育健身场所、游泳馆等。
Interprovincial group tours will be suspended.停止开放境内跨省区团队旅游业务。
Beijing will strictly enforce epidemic prevention measures in farmers' markets, restaurants, and canteens, and strengthen monitoring. Employees in those places must wear masks and gloves.将对农贸市场、餐馆、食堂等采取严格的防控举措,加强监控。上述场所工作人员须佩戴口罩和手套。
The Chinese capital reported 106 domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases from June 11 to 15. Beijing has listed 27 neighborhoods as medium-risk zones, and one high-risk neighborhood.6月11日至15日,北京市已报告106例本土传播病例,27个社区被列为中风险地区,1个社区为高风险地区。
出行管控 travel restrictions
Beijing will carry out strict travel restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19 and people at high risk are forbidden to leave the city, Pan Xuhong, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, said at a news conference on Thursday morning.北京市公安局副局长潘绪宏6月18日上午表示,为防止疫情风险扩散,北京市将采取严格的出行限制措施。
The first category includes confirmed COVID-19 patients, suspected cases, close contacts, asymptomatic carriers and people with fever.一是全市确诊病例、疑似病例、密切接触者、无症状感染者和有发热症状人员。
The second covers those who have visited Xinfadi wholesale farm-produce market or had close contact with relevant staff since May 30.二是5月30日以来进出新发地批发市场和与市场工作人员有过密切接触的人员。
The third includes people living in medium- and high-risk areas.三是中高风险地区人员。
Other personnel should avoid unessential travels outside Beijing, Pan said, adding that a negative nucleic-acid test certificate issued within the past seven days is a must for those who really need to leave the city.全市其他人员原则上坚持“非必要不出京”,确需离京的,须持7日内核酸检测阴性证明。
同时,民航、铁路部门对全市确诊病例(confirmed cases)、疑似病例(suspected cases)、密切接触者(close contacts)、无症状感染者(asymptomatic carriers),以及5月30日以来进出新发地批发市场和与市场工作人员有过密切接触的人员,实行购票限制(impose restrictions on the purchase of tickets)。
The civil aviation and railway sectors will check temperatures and the negative nucleic acid test reports of outbound passengers before boarding.民航、铁路部门对出京人员登机、登车前进行体温检测,查验核酸检测阴性证明。
All interprovincal bus lines operated by Beijing's carriers will be suspended starting from June 19.6月19日起,北京市所有省际客运站运营的省际客运班线全部停运。
日环食 annular solar eclipse
今年6月21日是夏至(summer solstice),当日下午,一场十年一遇的“金边日环食”也震撼登场。
People in quite a few places in China witnessed on Sunday the most anticipated celestial event of the year, an annular solar eclipse.The entire eclipse lasted about three and a half hours, but its duration as it passed over individual locations was equal to around 90 seconds.6月21日,我国多地民众观赏到了最受期待的年度天文盛景“日环食”。整个“日环食”持续近三个半小时,不过在单个地点的持续时间约90秒。
日环食(annular solar eclipse)是日食(solar eclipse)的一种,发生时太阳的中心部分黑暗,边缘仍然明亮,形成光环。这是因为月球在太阳和地球之间,但是距离地球较远,不能完全遮住太阳而形成的(not close to the Earth enough to completely obscure the sun)。随着月球位置的移动,我们能观测到的日食还有日全食(total solar eclipse)和日偏食(partial solar eclipse)。
Solar源于希腊语,指“of,relating to,or proceeding from the sun”(和太阳有关的或从太阳发出的),其相关的表达如:solar calendar(阳历),solar heating system(太阳能加热系统)等。
作名词时,常用的搭配是in eclipse,如Fred was in eclipse, exiled to a small post in the south.(弗雷德失势了,被打发到南方去担任一个小差使。)作动词时常见be eclipsed by搭配,如:She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.(在聪明的妹妹面前,她变得黯然失色。)
The annular eclipse crossed a path that started at sunrise in Africa and eventually moved across to China before ending at sunset over the Pacific Ocean.
In China, it was visible in central areas of the Tibet autonomous region and Sichuan province, northern areas of Guizhou province, central areas of Hunan province, southwestern regions of Jiangxi province, southern Fujian province and central areas of Taiwan.我国境内观测到日环食的地区有西藏、四川、贵州北部、湖南中部、江西西南部、福建南部、以及台湾中部地区。
北斗卫星导航系统 Beidou Navigation Satellite System
The launch marked the completion of the in-orbit construction of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) , the country's largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, along with the United States' GPS, Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo.此次发射标志着北斗全球卫星导航系统在轨部署完成,北斗系统是我国最大的空间导航系统,也是四个全球导航系统之一,其他三个分别为美国全球定位系统、俄罗斯格洛纳斯以及欧盟伽利略。
北斗卫星导航系统(Beidou Navigation Satellite System)是中国着眼于国家安全和经济社会发展需要,自主建设、独立运行的卫星导航系统(independently constructed and operated by China),是为全球用户提供全天候、全天时、高精度的定位(all-time, all-weather and high-accuracy positioning)、导航和授时服务(navigation and timing services)的国家重要空间基础设施。
中国高度重视北斗系统建设发展,自 20 世纪 80 年代开始探索适合国情的卫星导航系统发展道路,形成了“三步走”发展战略:2000 年年底,建成北斗一号系统,向中国提供服务;2012 年年底,建成北斗二号系统,向亚太地区提供服务(provide services in the Asia-Pacific region);计划 2020 年前后,建成北斗三号系统,向全球提供服务(provide global services)。2035 年前,将以北斗系统为核心,建设完善更加泛在、更加融合、更加智能的国家综合定位导航授时(positioning navigation and timing,PNT)体系。
1994年,北斗卫星导航系统启动建设。20多年间,我国在西昌卫星发射中心共组织了44次北斗发射任务,利用长征三号甲系列运载火箭,先后将4颗北斗一号试验卫星(experimental satellites)、55颗北斗二号和北斗三号组网卫星(third-generation satellites)送入预定轨道,任务成功率100%。
By now, 59 satellites, including the first four experimental ones, have been launched from Xichang on Long March 3Bs, some having since been put into retirement.
There are 30 third-generation Beidou satellites in three types of orbit — 24 in medium-Earth orbits, three in inclined geosynchronous satellite orbits and three in geostationary orbits.目前,在轨北斗三号卫星共有30颗,包括24颗中圆地球轨道卫星、3颗倾斜地球同步轨道卫星和3颗地球静止轨道卫星。
家暴人员婚姻登记查询系统 inquiry system for domestic violence prior to marriage registration
An inquiry system for domestic violence prior to marriage registration - the first of its kind in China - will be put into use in Yiwu, Zhejiang province, starting July 1, allowing people to check if their would-be partners have a criminal record related to beating or abusing family members.7月1日起,我国首个涉家庭暴力人员婚姻登记查询系统将在浙江省义乌市开通,人们可以通过该系统查询未来的另一半是否有殴打或虐待家庭成员的记录。
2017年起至今因实施家庭暴力行为被判处刑罚的人员(those who have been convicted over family violence)并实时更新;
2017年起至今因实施家庭暴力行为被人民法院裁定受人身安全保护令限制的人员(those who have been subjected to restraining orders over family violence)并实时更新;
2017年起至今因实施家庭暴力行为被公安机关处以行政拘留处罚的人员(those who have been sentenced to detention over domestic violence)并实时更新。
根据查询人申请,查询人提供本人身份证、结婚对象身份证信息(personal information about their fiances)、申请书、真实性和保密性责任书(statements that applicants are accountable for the authenticity of the materials and the confidentiality of the results)等材料,向婚姻登记处提交申请,经审核后方可查询对方是否有家庭暴力相关记录。
All application materials will be strictly reviewed by the marriage registration office before the application is approved.婚姻登记机构对申请材料进行严格审核后予以批准。
Users can only search the database twice a year, to look at the records of at most two people.查询注册簿一年内不超过2次,查询人数一年内不超过2人。
Those who disseminate or use the information in the database for any purposes other than their own matrimonial decisions will “bear legal consequences”.查询结果只作为对其结婚对象是否曾有家暴行为真伪情况的参考,除此以外的传播和使用行为需承担相应法律后果。
商合杭高铁 the Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway
With a designed speed of 350 kph, the route connects the city of Shangqiu in central China's Henan province, and Hefei and Hangzhou, the capital cities of east China's Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. The northern section of the railway, from Shangqiu to Hefei, went into operation in December 2019, according to China State Railway Group.该线路设计时速350公里,连接河南省商丘、安徽省省会合肥,以及浙江省省会杭州。据国铁集团介绍,该线路北段,即商丘至合肥段,于去年12月正式开通运营。
商合杭高铁(the Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway)一路衔接郑徐、合蚌、合福、合宁、宁安、宁杭和去年12月初刚通车的郑阜等7条既有高铁(existing high-speed railway),合安、湖杭、沪苏湖等3条在建高铁(high-speed railways under construction)和京港高铁阜九段、阜淮、亳蚌、淮蚌、合新、巢马、宁宣、宣绩等8条规划高速铁路和城际铁路(planned high-speed railways and inter-city railways),连接商丘、阜阳、合肥、芜湖和杭州五个铁路枢纽(railway hubs),是我国高速铁路、客运专线建设中衔接关系最为复杂的项目。通过商合杭高铁,旅客可以融入更为广阔的全国高铁网(high-speed railway network),更快到达更多目的地。
The opening of the new route will further optimize the railway network in the country’s central and eastern regions and greatly ease the mounting pressure on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line to provide a more convenient travel experience for passengers along the route, the company said.
The line is also expected to spur the rise of the central region and boost the integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta, it added.该线路也将对促进中部地区崛起,推动长三角区域一体化发展,具有重要意义。
义务教育 compulsory education
近日,教育部等十部门联合印发了《关于进一步加强控辍保学工作 健全义务教育有保障长效机制的若干意见》。
The completion rate of nine-year compulsory education is expected to reach 95 percent by the end of 2020, the guideline said, calling for ongoing efforts to make sure children from impoverished families have access to compulsory education.意见提出,贫困家庭义务教育阶段适龄儿童少年不失学辍学,确保2020年全国九年义务教育巩固率达到95%。
Compulsory这个词我们都很熟悉,表示“强制的,义务的,必须做的”意思,除了表示“义务教育(compulsory education)”以外,学校里设置的“必修课”是compulsory courses,再比如,It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.(所有骑摩托车的人都必须戴头盔。)
意见强调,确保建档立卡贫困家庭辍学学生今年秋季学期全部应返尽返(make sure all dropouts from impoverished families return to school in the fall)。坚决防止因疫情造成新的辍学(prevent any new dropouts due to the COVID-19 pandemic)。
Education, public security, human resources and social security authorities should share information about any students who start working before age 16, and authorities should punish employers that hire those students, the guideline said.教育部门会同公安、人力资源社会保障部门建立协作劝返机制,及时相互通报16岁以下学生外出打工信息,严厉打击使用童工违法犯罪行为。
Authorities should use various means, including persuasion, financial aid and even administrative and legal punishment of parents to encourage dropout students to return to school and prevent new dropouts, it added.各地要利用规劝、经济援助,甚至对父母采取行政及法律处罚等多种方式做好辍学适龄儿童少年的劝返复学工作,防止造成新的辍学。
这里的dropout是名词,表示“辍学”,其动词形式为drop out,常见的搭配为drop out of school。Drop常见的短语搭配还有drop in/by(顺便拜访),比如:Drop in/by any time—we're always home.(随时来都可以,我们都在家。)如果要表明顺便拜访的对象则多用drop in on someone表示,比如:I hate to drop in on people when they aren't expecting me.(我不喜欢贸然造访别人家。)
The number of dropout students in China has nose-dived from 600,000 in early 2019 to 6,781 on June 14, thanks to the nation's poverty alleviation efforts, the guideline said.
There were only 97 students from families registered as impoverished who were not attending primary and middle schools by June, down from 200,000 in early 2019, it said.截至6月,我国建档立卡贫困家庭辍学学生已由2019年初的20万减少至97人。