
首页 > 教育培训 > 作者:YD1662023-05-02 09:11:35

All right, so "line of work" means the activity in your life that you do to earn money.

所以 line of work指的就是你生活中为了赚钱而做的一些职业

So it basically means a job or an occupation.

所以 它基本的意思就是一份工作或职业

OK, now that I understand the whole sentence,

好了 现在我已经知道这句话的意思了

I'm going to take a moment to memorize it.


Then I'll switch to this text editor and I will write down the sentence from memory.

然后 我将切换到这个文本编辑器 我将根据记忆默写这个句子


Now, if I can't remember some of the words in the sentence,

那好 假如现在我有点单词记不起来怎么写了

I'll just make a guess or I might use other words with similar meanings.

我可能会瞎猜一下 或者是我用意思相近的词进行代替

OK, Next, I'm going to compare what I wrote with the original to see if I made any mistakes.

接下来 我要把我写的和原文比较一下 看看是否有错

And if I did, I will correct them.

如果哪里有错了 我会纠正它

OK, after I've fixed my mistakes,


I'll write the sentence one more time without making the same mistakes.

我会把这个句子再写一遍 不犯同样的错误

So I'm going to delete this and do it one more time.

所以 我会把原来的句子删掉 然后再重新写一遍

And that's it.



After I'm done with the first sentence, I'll repeat the same steps with the next sentence.

完成第一个句子后 我会用同样的方法来练习第二个句子

So, step 1: I read and memorize the sentence.

所以 第一步是 我会先阅读并记忆这个句子

Step 2: I write down the sentence from memory.

第二步 我会凭记忆默写这个句子

Step 3: I compare what I wrote with the original.

第三步 将自己默写的句子和原始文稿进行比较

This time, I didn't make any mistakes, so I don't have to do anything.

这一次我默写全对了 所以我不需要修改任何东西

But if I did make mistakes, I will correct them and I will delete this sentence,

但如果我写错了 我会改正过来 并删除之前自己默写的

and write it down one more time for repetition.


Now, when you do this exercise, you'll often come across long sentences like this one.

在你用这种方法练习的时候 你经常会遇到像这样的长句子


This is very common in written English.


And it can be difficult for beginners to memorize them.

这对于初学者来说 是比较难去记住的

So, whenever you have to practice with a long sentence like this,

所以 当你要练习像这样的长句子时

you can break it down into smaller parts and practice one part at a time.

你可以把一个长句子分成多个部分 一次只练习一个部分

So, for this sentence, you can practice this part first.

这个句子的话 你就可以先练习这一小部分

So you do all the steps with just this part before moving on to the second part.

所以 在进行第二部分的练习之前 你只需要按照之前的方法完成第一部分的练习就可以了








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