Hello! Boys and girls, how are you? You all look pretty good today. I feel good too.
1. lead in
Today’s class is about grammar. In fact we use the grammar in our daily life very often.
Now I want to show you something related. Please look at the screen and watch a video.
It would help us to realize when we should use this grammar. I’ll play the video now.
All right, the video is over. Would you like to guess when we should use this grammar?
Great,Linda,tell me your answer please.
Oh,good job! Thank you,Linda,sit down please.
Linda thought the grammar is usually used in the occasion when_____________________.(根据语法而定) Do you agree with her?
Don’t worry, we’ll know it soon.
2. Presentation
We also have a passage here.
I believe you have noticed the underlining sentences in this passage.
When you read the passage later, I want you to focus on these underlining sentences, observe these sentences, and find something common on them.
I’ll give you a hint: you can relate them with grammar.
You have 5 minutes to finish the task.
Time’s up now. I’d like a volunteer to show us his or her observations, who want to have a try? Come on!
(假装Jim 举手了)
Yes, Jim, please.
Well done, Jim, please sit down.
Jim really has a good point.
The grammar in these sentences is___________.
It’s basic structure is _______________.
I’ll show its name and structure on the blackboard for you.
We usually use it when (视具体语法而定)
3. Practice
Now that we have learned the grammar’s basic structure, we need to practice it.
Please turn to page 9, there are some exercises waiting for you.
Finish them and share your answer with us. You have 5 minutes to finish the task.
All right? Who would like to have a try? Hands up please so that I can find you.
Great, Cindy, please.
Well done, Cindy, please sit down. It seems Cindy have mastered the usage of this grammar.
4 Production
Now it’s group work time, I’ll divided you into 4 groups.
You are going to make some sentences by using this grammar.
Then exchange your work with your teammates.
Let them to check if there is any mistake, especially grammar mistake in your sentence. If so, revise it for your partner. Let’s begin.
which group want to show us your work on the stage?
Yes, Group 3,please.
Thank you very much. please go back to your seat.
5.Summary and homework
We have learnt some new knowledge today. Let’s review them together.
Now I will arrange the homework.
There are some exercise in the textbook, you are supposed to finish them before next class.
结尾问候语: Okay, the class is over. See you next week.
1. lead in(导入)
2. Presentation(教师讲解语法点)
3 Practice(学生练习书上习题)
4 Production(学生创造性练习 造句)
5 Summary and homework