
首页 > 教育培训 > 作者:YD1662023-10-25 16:01:26

“双减”政策(double reduction policy)实施以来,学生课业负担轻了,课余时间多了,这些多出来的时间用来干什么呢?为了更好地提升我们的自主学习能力,合理规划课余时间,请你以“How to Plan Our Life Wisely”为题写一篇短文,分享你的规划或提出你的建议,来帮助更多的同龄人。


1. 形成良好习惯,提高学习效率(读好书、做笔记、勤纠错……);

2. 培养高雅情趣,打造完美自我(学绘画、练乐器、多运动……);

3. 制定发展规划,用好课余时间(定时间、定内容、定目标……);

4. ……


1. 短文必须围绕以上提示要点展开,并适当拓展,使文章内容完整,结构合理,表达流畅。

2. 字数:100字左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总字数。


How to Plan Our Life Wisely

Since the implementation of the "double reduction policy," students now have more free time. To make the most of this extra time, it's important to plan our lives wisely. Firstly, we should develop good habits to improve our study efficiency. Reading books, taking notes, and correcting mistakes regularly are all essential steps. Secondly, we should cultivate our interests and hobbies to create a perfect self. Learning painting, playing musical instruments, and exercising regularly are all great options. Thirdly, we should set clear goals and make plans for our development. This includes setting aside specific times for different activities and determining what we want to achieve in each area. By following these steps, we can use our free time wisely and become well-rounded individuals. Let's make the most of our "double reduction policy" and plan our lives for success!




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