
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662023-01-01 15:58:41

5. Personal Relationships (I) 场景五:个人关系(I


Getting Along Together 朋友间的相处



1)Helen and Maria shared an apartment near State University. Their friends, Tom and Pedro, showed up there two or three times each week. All four of them got along very well.

海伦(Helen)和玛丽亚(Maria)在国立大学附近合租了一间公寓,她们的朋友Tom 和 Pedro每周来两到三次,四个人处得非常好。

show up: come, appear, arrive (often when not expected) 来,出现,到达

get along: live as friends, be friendly with one another, agree in many opinions and attitudes 当朋友相处,彼此友好,有共同的想法和态度

2)One evening Tom and Pedro wanted to come over. Pedro asked on the telephone, “May we drop in for a few minutes?”

有一天傍晚,Tom 和 Pedro想要过来, Pedro先打了个电话问了问:“我们现在突然过来,你们有时间么?”

come over: come, come to one’s home (or office, etc) 来,来家里或办公室等

drop in: come to visit briefly (often without first calling or writing)(= stop by, look in on ) 顺道拜访;突然拜访

3) When they arrived, Tom knocked on the door.“Come in," said Helen.


4)A little later, Pedro said, "I wanted to tell you that I bumped into Don Powell today.”

Pedro说:“我想来告诉你们,我今天碰到Don Powell了”

bump into: meet by chance (similar to but less formal than run into and run across) 偶然碰到,碰巧遇到(与run into 和run across意思相近,但不怎么正式)

5)” Oh," Maria said. "Did you find out whether he and Susan Peterson made up?’

玛丽亚说:“那你发现他和苏珊-彼得森(Susan Peterson)和好了么?”

find out:discover, learn 发现

make up: become friends again, end a quarrel 和好

6)“Yes. You remember that she walked out on him. She couldn't put up with his bad temper. But now they have made up and are good friends again. They and a couple named Bill and Wanda may

team up in operating a little ice cream shop.”

“嗯,你记得苏珊之前不理他了,她受不了Don的坏脾气了,不过现在他们已经和好了,又是好朋友了。他们和一对叫Bill 和 Wanda的夫妇一起合作开了一家小的冰淇淋店。”

walk out on sb.: go away from, desert, leave, part company with (informal)


put up with: accept (a situation that one does not like), tolerate, bear patiently 忍受

team up: work together 一起合作

7)“I ran across Susan yesterday," Maria said. " She told me that she would look in on us soon.’


look in on… : come to see, come to visit briefly (= drop in, stop by)

来看人,来拜访(同drop in, stop by)

8)”Oh, did you run into her, too?”Tom asked. "I saw her last week. She has a part-time job in a store downtown. She was waiting on some other customers." He grinned teasingly at Helen. “She’s very bright. I think I'll ask her out sometime.’

汤姆说:“你也碰到她了?上周我看见她了,她在市中心的一家店里做兼职, 正在招待顾客。” 汤姆跟海伦开玩笑说:“苏珊挺活泼开朗的,有时间我约她出去玩。”

downtown:in or towards the centre of a city, especially its main business area 在市中心,往市中心(尤指商业中心区)

wait on: serve, try to fill the needs of (a customer) 服务、招待、接待

grin: ~ (at sb) to smile widely 露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑;龇着牙笑

teasing:['ti:zɪŋ] A teasing expression or manner shows that the person is not completely serious about what they are saying or doing. (表情、神态)调侃的,戏谑的,开玩笑的

bright: If someone looks or sounds bright, they look or sound cheerful and lively.


ask … out: invite (usually a person of the opposite sex) to go with one (usually to a dinner, dance, party, movie, etc.) 邀请异性出去吃饭、跳舞、聚会、看电影等

9)“We could all take her out," Helen said. “She works too hard. She's easy to warm up to, as she’s very sweet and never tries to show off. We should take her away from her job and her books for a few hours. I hope that she and Don will both stop by.”


take… out: take (often someone of the opposite sex) to a meal or other social occasion 带异性去吃饭或其他社交场合

warm up to: become friendly toward, have good feelings about (informal) (非正式用语) 变得友好,产生好感

show off: display boastfully (one’s good qualities, appearance, ability, etc), make a show of 显摆,炫耀(自己的品行好、长得好看、能力佳)

10)“You have good ideas, Helen," said Tom.“Maybe the four of us and Don and Susan and their new friends can get together soon for a party or a picnic. Should we wait for them to call, or shall we

bring up the idea ourselves?”

汤姆说:“海伦,好主意!我们四个人和Don、苏珊、还有他们的新朋友一起办个派对或出去野餐。 我们是等他们打电话来? 还是我们自己给他们说?”

get together: come together as a pair or as a group, meet 双双对对或团体出行、聚会、碰面

bring up: propose, suggest 提建议

11)”Let's call them. Shall I call up Susan right now?" Maria asked. "If they are too busy, she can simply turn us down, or maybe we'll need to put off the get-together for a while.’


turn sb. down: refuse, decline, not accept (an invitation) 拒绝,回绝,不接受邀请

put off: 耽搁,延误,推迟





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