
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662023-05-12 15:32:23


Unit 5 Topic 1

1、祝你也如此 The same to you

2、步行 on foot

3、乘地铁 by subway

4、在工作日 on weekdays

5、在周未 on weekends

6、乘地铁回家 take the subway home/go home by subway

7、上英语课 have an English class

8、一会儿 for a short time/for a moment

9、快点儿,加油 come on

10、看电视 watch TV

11、在学校,在上课 at school

12、长城 the Great Wall

13、新年快乐 Happy New Year

14、一周三次 three times a week

15、早起的鸟儿有虫吃 The early bird catches the worm.

16、踢足球 play football

17、去钓鱼 go fishing

18、去游泳 go swimming

19. 听;倾听 listen to

20. 从.....中学习 learn from

Unit 5 topic 2

1、餐厅 dining hall

2、电脑室 computer room

3、教学楼 classroom building

4、游泳池 swimming pool

5、当然 of course

6、寻找 look for

7、按时 on time

8、失物招领处 Lost and Found

9、英语报纸 English newspaper

10、打乒乓球 play ping-pong/play table tennis

11、擦黑板 clean the blackboard

12、看英语报纸 read English newspaper

13、进行一场足球比赛 have a soccer game

14、在电脑上工作 work on the computer

15、画画 draw pictures

16、一上节英语课 have an English class

17、我的一本书 a book of mine

18、在…的后面 at the back of

19、打扫 do some cleaning

20、你必须准时归还他们. You must return them on time.

Unit 5 topic 3

1、学校生活 school life

2、上一节音乐课 have a music class

3、谈论 talk about

4、最喜欢的一天 favorite day

5、在那天 on that day

6、结束 be over

7、计算机科学 computer science

8、班会 class meeting

9、每个工作日 every weekday

10、每星期 every week

11、学习 learn about

12、一幅中国地图 a map of China

13、一点儿 a little

14、从事于 work on

15、互相 each other

16、认为 think of


be kind to somebody

18、户外活动 outdoor activity

19、邮票展 stamp show

20、电影之夜 movie night





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