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广告时间:准备201812月底考试的大三伙伴们和二战的伙伴们,要开始着手备战咯!有疑问可以私信查查老师,我的微信号是bestmeeter(如是我闻), QQ1817533492mua

Looking for Intimacy in the Age of Facebook Part 2



举例:Studies show that American college students spend, on average, three hours texting and an hour and 40 minutes on Facebook every day. One of the more recent studies centers on the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale: Norwegian researchers have observed that excessive Facebook use leads to higher rates of anxiety and social insecurity.研究表明,美国大学生平均每人每天要花3个小时发短信,花1小时40分钟上Facebook。最近的一个研究把重点放在卑尔根Facebook成瘾量表(Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale)上:挪威学者们观察到,过度的Facebook使用会导致频发焦虑以及社交不安全感。

we roundly admit 我们几乎都承认

pathetic a.可悲的

The results were sobering.结果发人深省。

this porcelain generation 脆弱易碎的这一代

in unexpected solidarity 整齐划一地

And the next morning I walked into the classroom.


Students sat in the darkened room, poring over Facebook on their laptops and smartphones.The experiment’s luster had faded. It wasinevitable, really. Studies show that American collegestudents spend, on average, three hours texting and an hour and 40 minutes onFacebook every day. One of the more recent studies centers on the BergenFacebook Addiction Scale: Norwegian researchers have observed that excessiveFacebook use leads to higher rates of anxiety and social insecurity.

学生们坐在昏暗的房间中,徜徉在他们的笔记本和智能手机上的Facebook页面中。实验带来的光亮消失了。这是无可避免的,研究表明,美国大学生平均每人每天要花3个小时发短信,花1小时40分钟上Facebook。最近的一个研究把重点放在卑尔根Facebook成瘾量表(Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale)上:挪威学者们观察到,过度的Facebook使用会导致频发焦虑以及社交不安全感。

As my students roundly admit,much of their time on Facebook is spent on their profiles. They edit, Photoshopand solicit the “right” messages and photographs for their profiles with an obsession worthy of a lengthy research paper. The ultimate goal? Racking up“Likes.” In the world of Generation Y, that means conforming to the narrow lensof perceived perfection — mugging like a celebrity at parties, hanging withA-list hookups. Such photos illustrate the Facebook code: “Likes” are the newextraordinary. God help the poor soul who bleeds pedestrian, vulnerable feelings like sadness or melancholy onto her orsomeone else’s wall. As a student recently observed to a sea of nodding heads:“That kind of panhandling for attention is just pathetic. It has no place on Facebook.”

我的学生们差不多都承认,他们上Facebook时,很多时间都花在个人主页上。他们编辑“对的”信息,用Photoshop修改图片,其强迫心理值得写一篇长论文。最终目标?获得更多的粉丝。在Y世代(Generation Y)的世界里,这意味着在这狭窄的视野之中能被别人理解为完美——在派对上像名人那样被人拍照,和公认最性感的约会对象厮混。这样的照片诠释了Facebook准则:粉丝数是新的卓越标准。愿上帝帮助这些可怜的灵魂,他们把悲伤与郁闷这样平庸又脆弱的感情倾泻在自己或者其他人的留言墙上。正如一个学生最近的发言:“这种为了得到关注而乞讨的做法是可悲的。在Facebook上这种行为没有立足之地。”他的这番话赢得了众人的一致点头称许。

On the heels of this armored bravado, I asked students to take on another experiment, one that challenged their Facebook ethos:to eat in a crowded university dining room without the company of school work,laptops or smartphones. Or friends. Then they had to journal about it.


The results were sobering. “I gathered my things and bolted out the door,” one student wrote about her reaction once she finished her meal. “I was glad that I could feel like I belong somewhere again. . . . What I hated most was being alone and feeling like I was being judged for it.” Another student echoed this experience. “By not having my phone or laptop to hide behind, it was amazing how self-conscious I felt,” she wrote.


I shared the goal of this experiment with my students recently. Most of their eyes and mouths narrowed as they suggested that I had missed my mark, ignoring the candor in their reflections. Except for one student. She confessed to what could be the anthem for this porcelain generation: “I realized something disturbing after doing this. If Idon’t feel connected with others, I automatically feel alone, unpopular, less confident.” A sea of eyes jarred open in unexpected solidarity.




推荐理由: 大脑比我们想象中有趣得多








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