be about to造句带翻译,beabouttodo造句简短

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be about to造句带翻译,beabouttodo造句简短(1)

北京 “学生快乐英语”嘉年华活动开营

(just) about: nearly;almost 几乎;差不多; 将近

I'm (just) about ready. 我(就)快准备好了。

be about to (do): be on the point of;be ready to; intend to, mean to, prepare to; intend to do sth immediately; be going to do something very soon即将;就要; 刚要

We were about to leave when you telephoned.你打电话来时,我们正要动身。

how about: used to make a suggestion; used when asking someone about a different thing; what do you say to or think of; used when asking for information or to get sb’s opinion; used when making a suggestion 用以提出建议; 用以询问消息或征求意见; …如何,…怎样; (你觉得)…怎么样?; (你认为)...怎么样?

How about the cinema tonight?

How about going to the cinema?

You don't eat meat, do you? How about fish?

What about his qualifications (i.e. Is he qualified) for the job? 他有资格做这件工作吗?

How about going to France for our holidays?


What about Jack? We can’t just leave him here.

I’m feeling hungry. How about you?

out and about: active; doing the things you usually do; running around, out doing this and that能够外出走动的(特指病人康复后)

The doctor says she’s making a good recovery from the infection and she should be out and about in a few days’ time.

what about: used to suggest something; used to make a suggestion; used for reminding someone that a particular person or thing needs to be considered (征求意见时用) 怎么样; ...怎么样?

What about dinner at my place next week?

What about going to a movie?

What about Lola - shall we invite her?

What about taking a few days off?

What about bed?

睡觉怎样 ?

What about coming with us?

What about dinner at my place next week?

What about Eileen? Shouldn’t we invite her too?

What about transportation? That’s all arranged.

hang about: spend time somewhere without any real purpose闲荡; 闲呆着

There were always groups of boys hanging about in the square.

He normally hung about the house all day.

spend time somewhere without any real purpose

There were always groups of boys hanging about in the square.

He normally hung about the house all day.


be about to造句带翻译,beabouttodo造句简短(2)




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