二、表达英语口语“有氧运动”,很多人只会拼命去回忆“那个英语单词”:aerobic (exercise/workout)
也就是说,由于我们是用中文学习理解和记忆英语单词aerobic (exercise/workout),因此,英语单词aerobic (exercise)是我们将来要表达“有氧运动”的唯一途径和办法,一旦我们的学习记忆力不够强大,忘记了aerobic (exercise/workout)这个单词,我们就无法继续跟人用英语沟通aerobic (exercise/workout)话题。
三、用英语学英语,aerobic (exercise/workout)用英语怎么说?
1) 在获得英语单词aerobic及其中文意思外,通过学习英语aerobic (exercise/workout),我们还获得的,是学习和训练了我们使用和查阅英英字典的习惯和解决问题的能力。
1. Yahoo aerobic:
-aerobic:requiring the presence of air or free oxygen for life.
2. Yahoo aerobic exercise:
- Aerobic exercises are any physical activity that makes you sweat, causes you to breathe harder, and gets your heart beating faster than at rest.
Physical activity such as swimming for more than 30 minutes,walking for more than 30 minutes, jogging for more than 30 minutes,running for more than 30 minutes, indoor cycling for more than 30 minutes, or dancing for more than 30 minutes are all examples of aerobic exercise. They strengthen the heart and lungs, therefore improving your body's utilization of oxygen.
2) 在获得英语单词aerobic及其中文意思外,通过学习英语aerobic (exercise/workout),我们还获得的,是训练了我们把英语aerobic workout学成英语的习惯和能力。
1. Okay.I got you. Aerobic means requiring the presence of air or free oxygen for our workout.
2. Swimming for more than 30 minutes is areobic exercise.
3. Walking for more than 30 minutes is areobic exercise.
4. Jogging for more than 30 minutes is areobic exercise.
5. Running for more than 30 minutes is areobic exercise.
6. Indoor cycling for more than 30 minutes is areobic exercise.
7. Dancing for more than 30 minutes is areobic exercise.
8. Aerobic exercises make you sweat, cause you to breathe harder, and get your heart beating faster than at rest.
掌握了上述英语aerobic的英语表达,我们就可以不用说出英语单词aerobic exercise,也一样可以跟人沟通“有氧运动”的意思了(虽然表达起来比较啰嗦)。
最后“科普”一下,举重(weightlifting)之类的运动不算aerobic workout,这种需要瞬间爆发力量的运动不算“有氧运动”,叫anaerobic exercise,所以,aerobic workout中for more than 30 minutes是重要区别。
小结:学习英语“有氧运动”(aerobic workout),是用来给我们做训练查阅英英字典和使用英语表达英语/强化我们用英语记英语的这两个重要能力训练的,不是为了让我们用中文记住一个我们过后肯定会忘了怎么说(语音)和怎么拼写的英语单词的。