ISENSEDESIGN吾觉空间设计团队受到爱慕集团旗下的imi’s爱美丽内衣品牌委托,对位于北京欧美汇购物中心的终端店铺进行设计改造。 The ISENSE DESIGN has been commissioned by the imi’s, the underwear brand of the Amier Group, to remodel the imi’s shop in EC Mall Beijin.
imi’s爱美丽是隶属于爱慕集团旗下的年轻化子品牌。作为内衣行业的引领者,爱慕集团一直在内衣领域的材质、工艺,尤其是针对内衣对于女性健康的方向研究,处于领先地位。多年的市场良好口碑下,imi’s爱美丽一直坚持着对潮流的追逐和品质的把握。 imi’s is the subsidiary vibrant brand of the Aimer Group. As a leader in the underwear industry, Amier Group has always been taking the lead in the materials, the crafts, and specifically the dedication to making women healthier in the underwear industry. Given the good reputation in the underwear industry, imi’s has always devoted to leading the trend and to maintaining the high quality.
随着市场的快速变化,消费者年龄层迅速下沉,imi’s爱美丽开始不满足于过去的传统店面终端形象,希望可以在空间视觉上寻找突破。 With the rapid changes of the market that the age of consumers is promptly lower, imi’s who is unsatisfied with the existing state is exploring the new space vision.