
首页 > 时尚 > 作者:YD1662023-11-05 11:07:14




1.various adj. 各种各样的,不同的 variety n. 品种、种类、多样性

例句:The hospital has various ways to deal with emergencies.

延伸:① a variety of 各种各样的=varieties of

例句:There are a variety of theme parks in the world, where you can have fun .

②vary from ... to 从......到......不等;在......到......之间变动

③vary v. 变化,变更 vary in 在某方面不同

2.whichever pron .

①无论那个,无论那些(引导让步状语从句,此时等于no matter which)

例句:Whichever road you take , it will lead you to the station .

②无论......的那个; 无论......的那些(引导名词性从句)

例句:She is likely to choose whichever flight is the most suitable to her.


3.amusement n. 可笑,愉悦,娱乐,活动,游戏

in/with amusement 愉悦地,好笑的

4.attraction n.向往的地方,有吸引力的人、物,爱慕,吸引

例句: He has no attraction for me.

5.wherever conj./adv. 无论在什么地方,各处(可引导让步状语从句和地点状语从句)

例句:① Wherever ever you go ,I will be right here waiting for you .

② Hunters can not hunt wherever they like .

6.unique adj .

① 独特的,罕见的

例句:In general ,everyone has his own unique character .

② 唯一的,独一无二的

③ be unique to 为......所特有

7.advanced adj . 先进的,高级的,高等的

延伸① in advance = ahead of schedule/time 提前

② advance n . 前进,行进,进展 v. 使提早,提前

8.available adj .

① 可购得的,可找到的

例句:Admission tickets for all the attractions in the amusement is not available.

② 有空的,有时间的

例句:No employee is available now as they are busy preparing for the conference.

9.more than 不仅仅是,不只是,超过

① "more than 名词/动词"表示不仅仅是,不只是

例句:Jason is more than a writer;he is a translator, too .

② "more than 数词"表示超过,多于,相当于over

例句:More than one time he represented all the employees to ask the company for better working conditions.

③ more...than 用来把两者进行比较,意为"更多,而不是";"与其......不如说"

例句:She is more frightened than hurt. famous for = be well-known for 以......而闻名

例句:The small town is famous for its attractive maple trees.

辨析:be famous for , be famous as , be famous to

① be famous for 接事物的名词,意为"因某事而著名"

② be famous as 接职务、称号等名词,意为"作为......而出名"

③ be famous to 接人,"对某人来说著名" modeled after 根据......模仿,仿造

例句:The mayor made a statement that the defence work for the city was modeled after that of ancient Rome.

12.the length of ......的长度

例句:The length of the time needed has a close association with the amount of work.

延伸:① at length = in detail 详细地,详尽地,充分地;另外at length 意为,"终于"。

② go to great length (to do sth.) 千方百计,竭尽全力做...... familiar with 对......熟悉(主语为人)

延伸:be familiar to ......为某人所熟悉(加的宾语为人)


1.It is no wonder (that)=No wonder (that) 难怪......

例句:It is no wonder that he was admitted into Tsinghua University because of his intelligent and hard working .

2.Whether...or... 不管,还是

注意:当whether...or... 连接并列主语时,谓语动词单复数就近一致。





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