
首页 > 书籍文档 > 作者:YD1662023-12-09 07:09:25




1. What does Tinker Bell look like?

2. Can Peter Pan join his shadow onto him?

3. How did Wendy help Peter Pan to join his shadow back ?

4. What did Peter Pan say to Wendy when she became angry? Did the words


5. What did Peter Pan give to Wendy?

The Neverland Arrives

As soon as Mr and Mrs Darling entered their neighbor's house, (1)a bright little light flew down from the sky. The light looked like a little star, but it was not a star, it was a small fairy named Tinker Bell. Tinker turned off the small night light in the children's room and began to look around the room for Peter's shadow. She looked into all the furniture, all the drawers, and even into the pockets of the children's clothes.

Tinker Bell was smaller than a child's hand and very lovely. She was wearing a dress made of tiny tree leaves and a very bright light came out of her. She was bright because she was covered with silver fairy dust.

A minute after Tink entered the nursery, the little stars blew open the window and Peter flew in. He looked at all three beds to see if the children were asleep. Then he quietly asked Tinker Bell, "Have you found my shadow?"

Tink pointed at some drawers. Peter opened them and pulled all the clothing out, throwing all of it onto the floor. Finally he found his shadow.

(2)Peter Pan had never lost his shadow before. He thought that once he found it, it would just join itself to him again. It did not. Peter became angry and flew into the bathroom and found some soap. He then tried to join his shadow onto him with some soap, but he failed. Peter became afraid that his shadow would never join him again. He sat down on the floor and began to cry loudly.

The sound of his crying awakened Wendy, and she sat up in bed.

"Why are you crying, boy?" Wendy asked; she was not scared at seeing this stranger in the nursery.

Peter did not answer; instead he stood up and bowed his head politely to her.

"What is your name?" Peter asked.

"My name is Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What's yours?"

"I'm Peter Pan."

"I knew it!" Wendy cried, "I knew you must be Peter Pan!"

Peter looked happy that Wendy had heard of him.

"What is your whole name?" she asked.

"That is my whole name," he replied, realizing for the first time that it was a very short name.

"I'm so sorry," said Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

"It doesn't matter," said Peter nervously.

"Where do you live, Peter Pan?"

"I live in Neverland," Peter replied. "You just go towards the second star on the right and then fly straight forward until morning."

"That's a very funny address!"

"No, it isn't!" Peter cried.

Wendy then remembered that Peter was a guest in her house and said "sorry".

"What address do people write on letters?"

"I don't receive any letters," said Peter.

"Certainly your mother must get letters," Wendy asked again.

"I don't have a mother," He told her.

Peter was glad that he didn't have a mother, but he didn't tell Wendy. He thought that all adults were very boring.

Wendy loved her mother and felt a great pity for Peter; she ran to his side.

"No wonder you're here crying!" she cried.

"I'm not crying about not having a mother," Peter said, "I'm crying because my shadow won't join with me."

Wendy looked down and saw Peter's shadow lying on the floor. Wendy laughed at Peter when she saw that he had tried to join it to him using soap.

"I can help you," she said. (3)"I will sew it back on. It may hurt a little bit, but please try not to cry. I don't want my little brothers to wake up."

"What does 'sew' mean?" asked Peter.

Wendy did not answer; she simply found a needle and some string and sewed the shadow to Peter's foot.

(4)When she was done Peter ran around the room, dancing and shouting: "I am so clever! I've put my shadow back on!" Peter had already forgotten that Wendy had helped him.

Wendy became angry and forgot to be a good hostess. She jumped back into her bed and pulled the blankets over her head.

"Please don't go away, Wendy Moira Angela Darling!" he cried, "I was just so pleased that my shadow was back."

Wendy still refused to come out. Peter thought that if he said nice things to her she might come out.

"Wendy, did you know that one girl is as useful as twenty boys!"

Wendy liked Peter's voice and his kind words. She looked out from her blankets and, a few moments later, got out of bed and sat next to Peter.




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