
首页 > 游戏 > 作者:YD1662023-04-29 08:34:37




比如锤石的r叫幽冥监牢,感觉不是特别惊艳是吧? 那如果我告诉你他的原文是the Box呢?


戏命师:In carnage, I bloom.,like a flower in the dawn.


They're puppets. I pull theirstrings, and then they dance.


A costume, some makeup, a spray of blood.


I will bring them an opera of death



盲僧:Your will,my hands.


狮子狗:Tonight,we hunt.


皇子:By my will, this shall be finished.


We shall rest when we are dead!


Ours is but to do and die!


Today is a good day to die!


劫:Ignorance is fatal.


亚索:This blade never gets any lighter.


Hmph.One step ahead of the past.


A wanderer isn't always lost.


Honor is in the heart, not the name.



赵信:Press the assault!


Here's a tip…and a spear behind it.


Sound the march!


均衡的名台词: Balance in ALL things


刀妹: My blade is at your service. 


女警:Got them in my sights!


赏金:Fortune doesn't favor fools.


剑圣:My blade is yours


巨魔:How much ya wanna bet I can whack ya from one fountain to the other?


吸血鬼:The rivers will run red.


小法:Even death trembles in my presence!


乌迪尔:Our rage is beyond your control


卡牌:The house always wins


风女:Yes, it's true. For only 2.95 a minute, I'll leave you breathless


塔里克:From coals to diamonds


加里奥:A guardian is always prepared.


奥拉夫:Leave nothing behind!


大虫子:Summoner, your darkness beckons!


武器:Surprise! I'm back!


Who wants a piece of the champ?


船长:Shiver me timbers


岩雀:Know the loom. Be the stone.


铁男:Affliction forever!


乌鸦:You're seriously asking a giant demon bird for a joke?






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