
首页 > 娱乐 > 作者:YD1662024-04-16 08:39:50

Find Yourself 是动画片《Cars》(赛车总动员)中的片尾曲,歌词简单,耐人寻味。歌手Brad Pasiley流畅而清晰的声线将其演绎得恰到好处,配合影片的情形天衣无缝。歌曲见下方,歌词翻译:本文作者。

When you find yourself 当你发现自己

In some far off place 在一个遥远的地方
And it causes you to rethink some things 这使你回想起一些事情
You start to sense that slowly 你开始慢慢意识到
You're becoming someone else 你正在成为另外一个人
And then you find yourself 随后你找回了自己
When you make new friends in a brand new town 当你在一个全新的地方交朋友
And you start to think about settlin' down 并开始考虑安定下来
The things that would have been lost on you 那些会令你迷茫的事情
Are now clear as a bell 现在如梦初醒
And you find yourself 随后你找回自己
Yeah that's when you find yourself 是的,这一刻你找回了自己。
Where you go through life 在你经历着生活的地方
So sure of where you're headin' 如此确定你的方向
And you wind up lost and it's 不再迷茫
The best thing that could have happened 这是能经历到的最美好的事
'Cause sometimes when you loss your way 即使有时你迷了路,

it's really just as well 真的也无妨
Because you find yourself 因为你找回了自己
Yeah that's when you find yourself 是的,这一刻你找回了自己。
When you meet the one 当你遇见你的唯一
That you've been waitin' for 那个你一直等待的人。
And she's everything that you want and more 她就是你最最需要的一切
You look at her 你望着她,

and you finally start to live for some one else 终于你开始为了某个人而生活
And then you find yourself 然后你找回了自己
That's when you find yourself 这就是你找回自己的时候。
When we go through life 当我们经历着生活
So sure of where we're headin' 如此确定我们的方向
And we wind up lost and it's 不再迷茫
The best thing that could have happened 这就是所能经历的最美好的事
'Cause sometimes when you loss your way 即使有时你迷了路

It's really just as well 真的也无妨
Because you find yourself 因为你找回了自己
Yeah that's when you find yourself 是的,这一刻,你找回了自己。

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