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How can I motivate myself to work hard?



1. 是积极的。尽可能多地关注你的技能和才能。列出你所有的优点,不要纠结于你认为的缺点。建立自尊就是要找到自己的优势,然后在这些优势的基础上发展壮大。如果你的雇主没有发现你的某些技能,他们是不会给你工作的。

2. 承担风险。这听起来可能有点讽刺,但冒险实际上能增强你的自信。你只需要一开始就采取正确的态度。承担风险,并清楚地知道你的方向。对冒险有积极的态度是取得巨大进步的好方法。





2. 保持水分充足——饮水不足不仅会让你行动迟缓,你的大脑也需要水分来保持思维清晰。目标是达到建议的每天八杯水。在你的办公桌上放一瓶,一整天都可以小口喝。如果你对白水不感兴趣,那就试试市场上的调味水,很多都不含卡路里,还添加了代糖或其他糖替代品。低糖果汁也可以补水。



lack of confidence and lack of focus are the 2 primary reasons we lose motivation.

*if you want to boost your confidence you have to follow these tips,

1. Be positive.Try to focus on your skills and talents as much as possible. Make a list of all your good qualities and don't dwell on what you perceive are your weaknesses. Building self esteem is about finding out what your strengths are and then developing and building on them. Your employer would not have given you a job if they did not recognize certain skills in you.

2. Take risks. It may sound ironic, but taking risks actually boosts your self-confidence. You just have to adopt the right attitude at the beginning. Assume responsibility for the risk and have clear ideas about where you are heading. Having a positive attitude towards risk-taking is a good way to make great strides forward.

3. Do not fear criticism. Do not be caught up in the emotions brought on by criticism. Your confidence should not be hurt by inflated words like "always" or "never". Do not go into immediate denial or counter-attack mode. Instead, consider the source and decide if the person really has the expertise or knowledge to make his or her comments. If you decide that the words are not just empty accusations, look at it as an opportunity to improve yourself. Forget trying to control what others think of you. Instead, control what you can -- your own thoughts and feelings.

Increase your focus by doing the following:

1.Limiting Daily Disruption and Demands on Your Time

Daily disruptions and ad-hoc requests are a huge problem for most people. We are constantly being pinged; by IM, email, text, cell phone, banners, pop-ups, etc. Rings, pings, and bells from your friends, family, and colleagues aren’t the only problem. Marketers via internet, television, and print ads are using sophisticated techniques informed by brain science to figure out how to grab your attention. If you have trained others that your are always available to respond to requests, you need to retrain them to expect something else. Make it clear to people when you will be available for ad hoc requests and when you aren’t.

2. Stay hydrated - Not only can not drinking enough water leave you sluggish, but your brain needs that hydration to keep you thinking clearly. Aim to get your recommended eight glasses of water daily. Keep a bottle full at your desk to sip throughout the day. If the thought of plain water doesn't appeal to you, try some of the flavored waters on the market, many with no calories and sweetened with Splenda or other sugar substitutes. Low sugar juices are okay for hydration as well.

3. Take short breaks – We can be masters at focusing, but eventually we're going to need a break. Our minds can struggle to focus intensely on tasks for eight hours a day. This is where it can be better to divide your work into one-hour segments, with a 5–10 minute break between tasks. This short break will allow your mind to rest before focusing again.





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