
首页 > 健康 > 作者:YD1662022-11-24 04:11:19

1、介词for 表示“为了”:

go out for a walk 出去散步;reach for 伸手去拿;be ready /prepared for 为……做准备;be greedy 贪婪的/eager 渴望的/hungry 饿的/thirsty 渴的for ;look /search for 搜寻;hunt for 猎狩;for one’s sake 好处/benefit 利益/good ;What can I do for you ?我能帮你什么忙?(服务员所说);do a favor for sb =do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙;stand for 代表;find /make /fetch 去取/draw /get /buy sth for sb ;be intended /meant /designed for专为……设计、准备等;

What do you have for breakfast? 早饭吃什么?”;the books for children 儿童书籍;bikes for sale or for hire 供出售或出租的自行车;ask for sth 要某物;hope for ;apply to sb for sth 向某人申请;pray for peace 祈祷和平;send for 派某人去请;instructions 指导/directions 说明for sth ;a plan for study 学习计划。

2、介词for 表示“原因”:

be famous /known for 因……而出名;

be famous /known as作为……而出名;

be sorry for 因……而抱歉;

be thankful to sb for sth 因……而感谢=thank to sb f

blame责备/scold 责备to sb for sth ;

praise 赞扬/punish 惩罚/apologize 道歉to sb for sth 因……而道歉;

get a medal for bravery (勇敢) 因勇敢而获奖;for the following reasons 因下列原因。

3、介词for 表示“就……来说”(本不该,实际上却):

for one’s age 就某人的年龄而言;

She looks very young for her age.


4、介词for 表示“以……钱”(多指总钱数,一件一个等,但多个中的每一个单价用at );

She bought 4 books for 12yuan.

I bought a book for 3yuan.

本期我们从四个方面介绍了介词for 的用法,下期我们继续研究介词for 的其它用法。欢迎大家点赞评论,关注互动交流。Thank you, everybody! Bye, See you next time!




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