
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 17:40:32

thick and thin



If you support or stay with someone through thick and thin, you always support or stay with them, even if there are problems or difficulties.


The expression “through thick and thin” originates from the saying “through thicket and thin wood.”

这个表达来源于“through(穿越) thicket(灌木丛) and thin wood(稀疏的树林)”。


This saying came from offering a concise description of progress through the 'thick' countryside.


My mother has stuck with me through thick and thin.


stick with sb 紧跟着/支持某人

stick with sth 坚持某事

She's always been there for me through thick and thin, so I can't turn my back on her now.


turn one’s back on sb 背弃某人;对某人置之不理

= to decide to stop having contact with someone or something, or to refuse to help someone

"Thick and thin" is an idiomatic expression that refers to being there for someone through good times and bad. It signifies a deep level of loyalty, support, and unwavering friendship. In life, we come across various people, but only a select few are willing to stand by us through thick and thin. These are the true friends, the ones who know our flaws and weaknesses yet choose to love and accept us anyway.

They are there to offer a helping hand during difficult times, providing comfort and strength when we need it the most. True friendship is not based on convenience or circumstance; it withstands the test of time. It means being there not only during the joys and celebrations but also in the face of challenges and hardships.


A friend who is there through thick and thin is a precious gift. They offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and words of encouragement when we feel down. They celebrate our successes and offer support during our failures. Such a friend is a source of stability and security in an ever-changing world. However, it's important to note that being there for others through thick and thin also requires us to be selfless and committed.

It means putting aside our own needs and priorities to be there for those we care about. It involves showing up, even when it's not easy, and offering a helping hand without expecting anything in return. In conclusion, "thick and thin" represents the essence of true friendship and loyalty. It reminds us of the importance of having those special individuals in our lives who will stand by us no matter what. Let us cherish and nurture these relationships, and be the kind of friend who is willing to go through thick and thin with those we hold dear.









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