
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 20:11:49

Memories 记忆 (1)

I’m trying to think of my earliest memory. I vaguely remember (remember a little bit, not in much detail) when my brother was born – I was three years old at the time – but I distinctly remember my first day of kindergarten, when I was around five.


When I look at photos, even more memories come flooding back (memories come to mind) – I remember my school, my classmates, and my teacher, who would constantly remind us to clean up the classroom, because we were always making a mess. I’d completely forgotten the teacher’s name, though, and my mother had to refresh my memory (remind me of a fact I’d forgotten).


I still have a lot of my toys from when I was a kid. They bring back fond memories (pleasant memories) of long afternoons spent playing with my brother. I also remember a family vacation to Switzerland when I was about eight – that was an unforgettable experience.



1. vaguely remember :模糊的记得/依稀记得

2. distinctly remember:清楚的记得

3. memories come flooding back:回忆涌上心头

4. constantly remind:不断的提醒

5. completely forgotten:彻底的忘记了

6. refresh my memory:刷新我的记忆

7. bring back fond memories:勾起了美好的回忆

8. unforgettable experience:难忘的经历




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