
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-05 17:50:06

in/at/on 三个介词的用法


in hospital / at work etc.

我们会说somebody is in bed / in hospital / in prison:

James isn’t up yet. He’s still in bed.

Anna’s mother is in hospital.

我们可以说somebody is at home / at work / at school / at university / at college:

I’ll be at work until 5.30.

My sister is at university. My brother is still at school.

我们说 be at home 或 be home (可以有,也可以无at), 但说 do something at home (带 at):

I’ll be home all evening. or I’ll be at home all evening.

Shall we go to a restaurant or eat at home?

at a party / at a concert etc.

我们说somebody is at an event (at a party, at a conference etc.):

Were there many people at the party / at the meeting / at the wedding?

I saw Steve at a conference / at a concert on Saturday.

in and at for buildings




We went to a concert at the National Concert Hall.

The meeting took place at the company’s head office in Frankfurt.

There was a robbery at the supermarket.

我们说at somebody’s house:

I was at Helen’s house last night. or I was at Helen’s last night.

In the same way we say at the doctor’s, at the hairdresser’s etc.


I was at Helen’s (house) last night.

It’s always cold in Helen’s house. The heating doesn’t work well. (not at Helen’s house)

We had dinner at the hotel.

All the rooms in the hotel have air conditioning. (not at the hotel)

我们说at the station / at the airport:

There’s no need to meet me at the station. I can get a taxi.

in and at for towns etc.


The Louvre is a famous art museum in Paris. (not at Paris)

Sam’s parents live in a village in the south of France. (not at a village)


Does this train stop at Oxford? (= at Oxford station)

on a bus / in a car etc.

我们通常说on a bus / on a train / on a plane / on a ship,但是in a car / in a taxi:

The bus was very full. There were too many people on it.

Laura arrived in a taxi.

我们说 on a bike (= bicycle) / on a motorbike / on a horse:

Jane passed me on her bike.




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