
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-07 03:50:50


晨背话题(10) 节假日活动


1.take place 发生,举行

2.fall on (节日)落在,适逢

3.lunar calendar 农历

4.in memory of = in honor of 为了纪念;追念

5.in praise of 歌颂

6.in celebration of 为了庆祝……

7.dress up as 打扮成……

8.get together 聚会

9.family reunion 家庭团聚

10.enjoy the full moon 赏月

11.a symbol of reunion 团圆的象征

12.light the lantern 点灯笼

13.National Day 国庆节

14.Teachers’Day 教师节

15.the Mid-­Autumn Festival 中秋节

16.the Spring Festival 春节

17.the Lantern Festival 元宵节

18.the Valentine’s Day 情人节

19.World Sleep Day 世界睡眠日(3月21日)

20.World Water Day 世界水日(3月22日)

21.April Fools’ Day 愚人节(4月1日)

22.Mother’s Day  母亲节(5月的第2个星期日)

23.Father’s Day 父亲节(6月的第3个星期日)

24.Thanks giving Day 感恩节(11月的最后一个星期四)


1.It’s believed that the moon is a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune.


2.In addition, not only should we spend some time with our family during festivals but it is these festivals that remind us to have more time with our family.


3.Personally,I think the western festivals are romantic and exciting.


4.From my perspective, I prefer the traditional Chinese festivals to western festivals.


5.With Mother’s Day approaching, we decided to hold a family party to celebrate the important day.


6.Wang Hua, our monitor, presented Ms Li with the prepared flowers while some girls sang songs for her.



假定你是李华,你的班级决定组织同学们5月30日端午节(thedragon Boat Festival)一起骑自行车去西湖观看龙舟比赛。请你给外教Mr.Smith写一封邮件,邀请他上午8:00在学校门口集合,一同前往,感受中国的传统文化。




Dear Mr.Smith,

How is everything?

Our class is planning to cycle the West Lake to watch the dragon boat race on May 30, when the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated nationwide.We’ll gather at our school gate at 8 am.I’d like to invite you to go with us and experience this unique Chinese culture.

The dragon boat race, originally held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan, has now become a common practice and developed into a sport.I’m sure it will be exciting and enjoyable. Your presence will certainly add to our pleasure.Do come and have fun.

Lookingforward to your early reply.


Li Hua


1.randomadj. 随意的,未经事先考虑的

2.advocatevt. 提倡;拥护

3.boycottv. 拒绝参加,抵制

4.adequateadj. 充分的;足够的;可以胜任的

5.participatev. 参与;参加

6.receptionistn. 接待员

7.riskn.&v. 风险;冒险

8.refreshvt. 更新;使恢复;使清新

vi. 恢复精神

9.adventuren. 冒险;奇遇

10.amusementn. 娱乐

11.anniversaryn. 周年纪念日

12.athleticadj. 健壮的;运动的

13.audiencen. 听众;观众

14.legendn. 传说;传奇

15.fascinatingadj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的

晨背话题(11) 购物


1.shopping mall  大型购物中心

2.be considered as 被认为是

3.entertainment center 娱乐中心

4.be opened 开张;开业

5.department store 百货商店

6.over consumption 过度消费

7.with/cover a total area of ... 总面积有……

8.Shopping Festival 购物节

9.special discount 特别折扣

10.delivery company 快递公司

11.value of goods 商品价值

12.shopping website 购物网站

13.total income 总收入

14.brand ­new 崭新的

15.online shopping 网上购物

16.gain popularity 备受青睐

17.relative law 有关法律

18.online security 网络安全

19.personal detail 个人信息

20.shopping addiction 购物成瘾;购物狂

21.negative effect 负面影响

22.financial problem 经济困境


1.Huaxiang Shopping Mall, an indoor shopping and entertainment center, is considered as as hoppers’ paradise.


2.When the construction is completed, the shopping mall will cover a total area of 57,000 square meters, making it the largest shopping center of the city.


3.It is a holiday on which young people shop online with various special discounts and celebrate being single.


4.Apparently,online shopping has its advantages, the biggest of which is convenience.


5.With the growth of online shopping, it is of great urgency that relative laws should be formulated to ensure online security.


6.To solve this problem, I recommend that the following effective solutions be taken.



假定你是李华,你在国外网上书店Landon购买了一本英文原版小说Gonewiththe Wind,货到后你发现了一些问题。请用英文给该书店写信,内容包括:







Dear Siror Madam,

I purchased a book Gone with the Wind in your online bookshop Landon for its convenience and goods ervice. I was very glad to receive it yesterday. However,when I opened the package, I was sorry to find something wrong with it.

Firstly, the cover of the novel is broken and there are some dirty spots on it due to the poor packaging. In addition, some pages are missing, which makes it impossible to read.

I would like you to change it for a new one and post it to me as soon aspossible. Please do check the book and be careful with the packaging before hand this time.I hope you can live up to the expectation of your customer.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


1.deposit n.  订金,押金

v. 存款,放下,放置,储存

2.fragileadj. 易碎的;脆弱的

3.budgetn. 预算

4.expensen. 支出;消费;[U]费用;(pl.)开支

5.delicateadj. 易损的,易碎的

6.license/licence n. [C]许可证,执照

7.garagen. 汽车间(库);汽车修理厂

8.bargainn. [C]交易,协议;廉价货

vi. 讨价还价;达成协议,成交

9.commercialadj. 商业的,商务的;商业化的

n. 商业广告

10.consumern. 消费者

11.changen. 零钱

12.chargevt. 索价;指控;充电

n. 费用,价钱;负责;掌管;控告

13.cheque(美check) n. 支票

14.countern. 柜台;筹码

15.consumevt. 消耗,耗费(燃料、能量、时间等)

晨背话题(12) 饮食


1.high/rich in fiber 高纤维

2.low in fat 低脂肪

3.be lacking in nutrition 缺乏营养

4.b eparticular about food 挑食;对食物很讲究

5.be closely related to health 与健康息息相关

6.do harm/damage to physical health 有害身体健康

7.food poisoning 食物中毒

8.keep a balanced/healthy diet 保持均衡/健康饮食

9.go on a diet/be on a diet 节食

10.lose weight/take off weight 减肥

11.cut down body fat 削减脂肪

12.put on/gain weight 增加体重

13.aim at keeping slim 旨在保持身材苗条

14.skip breakfast 不吃早餐

15.eat excessively 过量地吃

16.take an order 点菜

17.take in/absorb nutrition 吸收营养

18.a variety of fast food 各种各样的快餐

19.attach importance to food quality 注重食品质量

20.pay more attention to your diet 更加注意你的饮食

21.develop/form healthy eating habits 养成健康的饮食习惯

22.guarantee the safety of food 保障食品安全

23.regard less of others’ health 不顾他人的健康

24.have a positive effect on 对……有积极的影响

25.be favored by 受到……的青睐


1.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and dinner the most enjoyable.


2.It’s high time that we stayed away from junk food and led a healthy life.


3.Only when we are particular about food can we prevent ourselves from falling ill.


4.The issue of unsafe food has aroused public concern and caused a heated discussion.


5.The local government needs to strengthen the management and raise the awareness of food safety among all the citizens.


6.As far as I’m concerned, we should develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body.Only in this way can we have enough energy to study.



(衡水高三模拟)假如你叫李华,是一位中学生。在听了关于健康饮食的讲座后,请你用英语给21st Century报社写一封信,反映你对当今学生饮食的看法。






Dear Editor,

Now, more and more students are getting fond of western fast food, and thus they take in too much sugar and fat.I don’t think it good for their health.

There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthier, the Chinese food or the western fast food? Different people have different opinions.

In my opinion, the Chinese food is healthier. Firstly, the Chinese food contains a lot of fruits and green vegetables.It is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat. Secondly, the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes, which provide us with all kinds of nutrition.I think it is the healthiest food in the world. So many Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


1. recipe n. 烹饪法,食谱

2.bacterium(pl.bacteria) n. 细菌

3.greedy adj. 贪吃的,贪婪的;渴望的

4.appetite n. 食欲,胃口

5.swallow v. 吞下,咽下

6.abundant adj. 丰盛的;充分的,充足的

7.burden n. 负担;责任

vt. 使负担;烦扰;负重

8.appropriate adj. 合适的,恰当的

9.ache vi.&n. 痛;疼痛

10.acid adj. 酸的

11.allergic adj. 过敏的

12.nutrition n. 营养;滋养

13.chew vt. 咀嚼

14.starve v. 饿死

15.bakery n. 面包店




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