
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-07 16:33:43



1 ① How many ? / How many are your party ? 你们几位?

2 ① Two for dinner , please . 两人用餐。

② Can I have a table for two ? 有一张两个人的桌子吗?

③ Could you please make arrangements for a dinner party of six ? 能为6个人安排就餐吗?

④ I’d like to reserve a table for five . 我要预定一张5个人的桌子。

⑤ I have a table for four under the name of Johnson . 我以约翰逊的名字订了一张4人的桌子。

⑥ I would like a nonsmoking table for two . 我想在禁烟区要一张两人的桌子。

⑦ Excuse me , is that table vacant ? 打扰了,请问这是空桌吗?

3 ① My friend will be along shortly . 我的朋友一会就到。

② I’m expecting someone . 我在等人。

4 ① Can I have the menu ? / Could you please give me the menu? / Bring me the menu , please .

5 ① Can / May I take your order now ? 现在可以点菜了吗?

② Are you ready to order now ? / Would you like to order now ? 您现在准备点菜了吗?

③ Would you like a drink before your meal ?/ Would you like a drink to start with ?

④ Would you care for a drink before you order ? 点菜之前您要喝点什么吗?

⑤ Would you like anything to drink ? 您想喝点什么吗?

⑥ Do you need a few minutes ( to decide what you want ? ) 你是不是想再等几分钟(决定你要什么?)

6 ① Yes , ⑴ I’d like to have / try some …… 是的,我想尝尝……

⑵ I’ll try / have …… 是的,我想尝尝……

② I’d like my steak rare / medium / well-done . 我想我的牛排五分/七分/全熟。

③ ⑴ We need a couple more minutes to decide ./ We need a few more minutes to decide . /

We need a couple more minutes to decide . 我们要待会再点。

④ I’m not ready to order yet . 我还没准备好点菜。

⑤ I haven’t figured out what I want yet . 我还没想好吃什么。

⑥ I haven’t decide yet . 我还没想好。

⑦ I can’t decide . ⑴ What’s your recommendation ? / What would you suggest ? 你推荐什么菜?

⑵ What do you recommend ? 你推荐什么菜?

⑶ What’s good today ? 今天有什么好菜?

⑷ What are the specials ? 今天有什么特色菜?

⑧ Well , …… is popular and …… is good . 恩,……很受欢迎,而且……也不错。

⑨ Why don’t you order for me ? 还是你帮我点吧。

7 May I serve your dishes , now ? 现在可以上菜了吗?

8 ① ⑴ Do you like your salad / steak / mutton-chop ……? 你的色拉/牛排/羊排……怎么样?

⑵ Yes , it’s nice and fresh . 是的,好吃,而且新鲜。

② ⑴ It’s so tasty ! 味道真美!



旅途中品尝异国美食时的兴奋与期待,就好像买了彩券等待开奖一般 ,你永远不知道结果会是宾果或全军覆没,然而,无论结果如何,它 都将是旅程中难忘的回忆。如果菜式不合口味,有时向服务生索取调 味酱,自己调味一番,倒也挺入口的。用完餐付费时,千万别忘了确 认帐单数目,以及付些小费表示谢意。

Could you tell me how to eat this?


Is coffee included in this meal?


Could you pass me the salt?


May I smoke?


I'd like a glass of water, please.


My order hasn't come yet.


May I have a bottle of mineral water?


This is not what I ordered.


Uncarbonated mineral water, please.


Check, please.


May I have some more bread, please.


Can I pay here?


I'd like a dessert, please.


We like to pay separately.


What do you have for dessert?


I think there is a mistake in the bill.


May I have some cheese?


Could you check it again?


What kind of cheese is this?


Can I pay with this credit card?


May I have just a little of it?


May I have the receipt, please.


Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert?



Head Waiter:Good evening,sir.Do you have a reservation,sir?

Customer:I am afraid not.

H.W:Just a moment,please.

H.W:I'm very sorry,we're full now.Would you mind waiting about ten minutes,sir?

C:No,I don't mind.

H.W:Here is the chair,sir.

C:Thank you.

H.W:I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting,sir.

C:Okay?Thank you.

H.W:This way,please.

C:Thank you.

H.W:Is this table all right?

C:Yes,good.I don't have much time tonight.I have to see my friend at eight thirty in the lobby.

H.W:Is that right,sir?


C:Thank you.

Captain:May I take your order,sir?

C:Yes,I want to have this smoked salmon.Is it good?

Cap:Yes,very good,sir.It is Japanese origin,and it comes from Hokkaido,north area of Japan.

C:Oh,yes?Hokkaido,I know.The Winter Olympic Games were held there several years ago.

Cap:Yes,that's right,sir.Have you been there,sir?

C:No,I've never been there.But I know it by newspapers that the Olympic Games were held at Sapporo.

Cap:I see.

Cap:Anything else,sir?

C:No,nothing else.But I'd like to have a Scotch on the rocks.That's all tonight.

Cap:Certainly.Just a moment,please.


Waiter:Scotch on the rocks,sir.

C:Thank you.

W:Smoked salmon,sir.

C:Oh,it looks nice.Thank you.

C:Captain.This smoked salmon is very good.Excellent.May I have some more capers?

Cap:Thank you,sir.Right now,sir.





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