
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-11 15:28:10


Self-recommendation Letter of Duan XX


Distinguished Teachers of Admission Office of Hong Kong XX University:


First of all, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my self-recommendation letter. I am Duan XX, a 17-year-old girl coming from Changsha YY School. Today, I solemnly recommend myself to you.


I was born in a good family with good education and learning atmospheres. My grandpa is an economic geographical scientist and he was the former president of Journal of ZZ Geography. My mother’s brother and his wife hold the doctorates and all of my parents are masters of Business Administration.


I am applying for Hong Kong XX University because it provides liberal education concepts and overall cultivation modes for its students. I always believe that innovation is based on freedom and achievements are on the basis of innovation.


I have a wide range of interests and hobbies as well as a strong consciousness of self-study. Depending on independent personality and certain organizational capabilities, I often go to the Home of Respect for the Aged and voluntarily help the elderly with my love. I like music and I have passed through Level-8 Authentication of Guzheng. What is more, I also like painting as it can help me to relax myself after hard study. My favorite hobby is writing and I have won the first prize of essay competitions of “Chinese Junior Writers Cup” for six times. In addition, I am one of the members of Chinese Young Writers’ Society. I am happy to participate in collective activities and I am willing to help others. From primary to high schools, I have held all kinds of posts in my classes and have been awarded as “All-round Good Student” for many times. In the third year of junior high school, I successfully planned an innovative parents' meeting and was lucky to preside over it......


I am optimistic and cheerful and I refuse to give up. I think the spirits of gratitude, unity and respect are quite important in my life. I can find the bright side of a poor environment. I studied in Changsha XX Middle School when I was a junior high student and went to Changsha XXXX School, which is a full-time boarding high school. Here, the full-time boarding life helps me grasp the ways of independent learning, independent thinking and independent living. At that time, I was active to take part in activities of my class and to communicate with my classmates.


There are three reasons for me to select Business Management Major of Hong Kong XX University. Firstly, all of my parents graduated from the major of business administration, and I have therefore been influencing by it since my childhood, so that I am interested in economics. Secondly, China is being in a period that the economy develops rapidly and talents with knowledge of modern business management are needed. Hong Kong is not only the China’s important bridge to the world, but also the world’s economic and financial center with International Visions. If I can get a chance to study here, I would better serve my motherland and Hong Kong. And finally, during my study of middle school, I have read some economic works such as Economics Essay, etc, so, I have a certain understanding about the important role of Economics and Business Administration in the development of modern economy and society, which also makes me love this subject more.


My performance is by no means the most brilliant among tens of thousands of applicants, but I will try my best to communicate and exchange for mutual understanding, so as to become the person who you need and I am willing to undertake the responsibilities of the times.


I am sincerely looking forward to your good news.





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