我深知在一所高度国际化的大学中,自身多元素质的重要性。我自三岁学习XX(爱好或特长),在少儿时期取得了XX证书,也获得了许多国内外的奖项。 而对于XX(爱好或特长),我也通过XX(方式),提升了自身XX(与前对应)的素养,并曾荣获XX奖项。我觉得(爱好)与(特长)共通着情愫与美感(可自行根据具体爱好特长替换用词),能够让内心更加的专注与纯粹。“XX”是我愿意追求和坚守的格言。我坚信知行合一,学以致用才是所学知识的真正价值体现。因此,在今年XX比赛中,由我XX,获得了XX奖。另外,我还是学校XX(组织)的重要成员,并在XX举办的XX活动中,获得个人XX奖。
这部分内容表达自己为什么报考此学校,为什么选择此专业,即着重描写学校申请理由,专业选择原因,自身未来规划(成才目标)三个方面,最终综述自己的特质,抒发对学校的强烈向 往与归属感,坚定报考的信心与决心。此部分字数约占整体篇幅的三分之一,多居于篇末。
(官方结尾 落款 时间)
1. Beginning:
My name is XXX(名字),whois a student from XXX(学校名称)HighSchool in XXX(省份)Province.Thanksfor taking time out of your busy schedule to read my materials delivered here.
I am really expecting to get accessto your campus majoring in XXX(专业名称)specialty.I have a firm bond with XXX(专业中的具体某物) andI believe that I will spark on my stage in XXX(专业领域名称) areain the future.
Since my childhood,I started to befond of XXX(做什么).Theseexperiences brought me XXX(意义)whichhighly enlightened my future.
2. Middle:
My life turning point was the XXX(组织名称) inmy high school,which drove me to combine my creation with XXX(在组织中主要学到的技能).Andthis became the biggest inspiration for me to study in XXX(专业名称)major in the future.My practical skill made me proficient in (技能中的某一小类).But inorder to create XXX aswe want,it must depend on the XXX(技能)during the whole process,which is totally a new world for us.So I keptabsorbing knowledge like sponge and apply the knowledge to (用技能知识具体做的事).I havespent numerous nights and weekends to learn and train.XXX(奖项名称)became the best award to me.To sum up,I conquered all the difficulties havingblocked me in these experiences such as XXX.(克服的困难)Onthe way of going forward constantly,I have deeply felt the charm of XXX(技能名称)which means to XXX(对技能的具体阐释).Thecontents above are my understanding of XXX(专业名称)major.Asfor others,they might think that XXX(技能具体内容) arenot easy to comprehend,which is too difficult and inflexible to cause theultimate failure just because of a small mistake.
But as a matter of fact,what Itruly enjoy is the procedure of the birth to innovation by XXX(创新方式).Thedeeper I enter,the more strongly I feel that the XXX(技能领域) isincreasingly renewed.The new generation of XXX(技能领域) suchasXXX(领域具体内容举例) havechanged our lives.And I am eager to get touch with more advanced XXX(领域具体内容如某项技术) forme to build a more efficient and intelligent world. Finally,I believe thatlearning the XXX(技术名称) mustbe attached to creations.XXX(技术名称) isjust the method of creation,which is useless without the ability of creation.Iam good at acquiring inspirations from life to discover and solve the ways ofsolution.For example XXXX(曾经利用该技术解决的具体事例).Upto now XXXX(因该技术取得的成就).Besides XXXX(获奖情况).
3. Ending:
Getting along with XXX(专业主体名称) isthe main part of my life,but meanwhile I love XXX(课外爱好) as well.Because I believe thefuture learning shouldbe combined with XXX(爱好).And XXX(爱好具体亚分类)are myfavorite,which made me get the XXX(具体奖项名称) that wasquite meaningful to me.
There is no doubt with thereputation and status of “XXXUniversity”which is a extremely suitable place for me to focus on study and research.Asthe idiom goes: “A man of true worth attracts admiration.”. There were morethan 100 academicians(根据实际情况调整)having been once cultivated by XXX University.What’smore,there are some famous alumni who have become entrepreneurs like XXX(著名校友名字).Thus,Ireally hope that I can be honored by gaining this chance and I will not failthe expectations from each respected teacher.And I wound completely concentrateon studying to benefit the society.