
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-11 20:46:52





1. They ___ (play) football on the playground when it ___(begin) to rain.

2. A strange box ___(arrive) while we __(talk).

3. Jim ____(sleep) when someone ___ steal his car.

4. I ___(read) a history book when someone ___(knock) at the door.

5. Grandma ____(cook) breakfast while I ___ (wash) my face this morning.

6. While Jack __ (look) for customers, he ___(see) a woman.

7. Father __ still ____(sleep) when I ___(get) up yesterday morning.


1. We were reading the newspaper ____ the light went out.

2. ___ she was watching TV in the sitting room, the bell rang.

3. She hurt herself ____ she was getting off the bus.

4. ____ he arrived, I was having a bath.

5. ___ I was playing games, my sister was doing her homework.

6. Some people waste food, ____ others don’t have enough to eat.

7. ___ it began to rain, they were playing chess.




1.were playing,began

2.arrived, were talking

3.was sleeping, stole

4.was reading, knocked

5.was cooking, was washing

6.was looking, saw

7.was sleeping, got


1.when 2.When/While

3.when/while 4.When5.While

6.while 7.When


1.I ____ a meal when you ___ me.

A. cooked, were ringing

B. was cooking, rang

C. was cooking, were ringing

D. cooked, rang

2.He said he ____ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time.

A. tries B. tried

C. was trying D. will try

3.While she ____ TV, she ____ a sound outside the room.

A. was watching, was hearing

B. watched, was hearing

C. watched, heard

D. was watching, heard

4.They ___ a football game from 7 to 9 last night.

A. were watching B. watch

C. watched D. are watching

5.What book ___ you ___ when I ___ you at four yesterday afternoon?

A. did, read, was seeing

B. did, read, saw

C. were, reading, saw

D. were, reading, was seeing

6.It was Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Green ____ ready to fly to England.

A. are getting B. get

C. were getting D. got

7.Lei Feng ___ always ____ of others when he ___ in the army.

A. is, thinking, was

B. was, thinking, is

C. did, think, is

D. was, thinking, was

8.A girl ____ my pen fall off the table when she ____ me.

A. saw, passed

B. was seeing, passed

C. was seeing, passed

D. was seeing, was passing

9.We ____ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ____.

A. were waiting, waiting

B. were waiting, wait

C. waited, waiting

D. waited, wait

10.He ___ his father on the farm the whole afternoon last Saturday.

A. helps B. would help

C. was helping D. is helping

11.While mother ____ some washing, I ___ a kite for Kate.

A. did, made

B. was doing, made

C. was doing, was making

D. did, was making

12." Why ____ you angry then?" "Because they ___ too much noise."

A. are, were making

B. were, were making

C. are, made

D. were, made

13.He ____ some cooking at that time, so ____ me.

A. did, heard

B. did, didn't hear

C. was doing, heard

D. was doing, didn't hear

14.This time yesterday Jack _____ his bike. He _____ TV.

A. repaired, didn't watch

B. was repairing, watched

C. repaired, watched

D. was repairing, wasn't watching

15.His parents wanted to know how he ____ on with his new classmates.

A. was getting B. gets

C. is getting D. will get

16.___ you ____ a meeting at four yesterday afternoon ? 

A. Were, having 

B. Was, having      

C. Did, have      

D. Do, have 


A:Hi, LinTao.I didn’t see you at the party.  

B: Oh, I ___ ready for the maths exam.  

A. am getting    

B. was getting    

C. got    

D. have got

18.He asked ____ outside.

A.who are singing     

B.who was singing    

C.who singing was        

D.who is singing 

19.She ___ the room when I went to see her.

A.doesn’t clean   

B.isn’t cleaning  

C. didn’t cleaning  

D. wasn’t cleaning 

20.The student ___ to move the bag of rice __ he heard the sound of a motorbike .  

A.was running, when     

B.was running, while  

C. runs, when          

D. ran, while







1. I ____ (have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning. 

2. Mary ___(go) over her lessons from six to seven last night.John and Peter ___(do) the same thing. 

3. The three of them were in a hurry because their plane __ (leave) in five minutes. 

4. They ____(not make) a model ship when I saw him. 

5. ____ they ___ (have) a meeting at four yesterday afternoon? 

6. When I ___ (come) in the room, he didn’t ___(see) me,for he ___ (read) something.

7. ____ it ____(rain) when you left school?  Yes, it ___. (No, it ___) 

8. What ___ your father ___ (do) when he was your age? 

9. While we ___ (wait) for the bus, a girl ____ (run) up to us.

10.When we ____(arrive) at the village, it ___(get) dark and it ___(rain) hard. 


1.was having

2.was going, were doing

3.was leaving

4.weren’t making

5.Were having

6.came, see, was reading

7.Was raining, was, wasn’t

8.was doing

9.were waiting, ran

10.arrived, was getting, was raining





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