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The Process of Design and Analysis of English Phonetics Teaching in Primary School

——Take Unit 4 Let’s Spell of PEP Grade Three as an Example

Li Fuqiang

Abstract: Phonetics is one of the most important courses in primary school English classroom teaching. However, in the real classroom teaching, many teachers often neglect this type of phonetics teaching, pass by or lack effective teaching design, and lack flexible and pluralistic teaching methods. In view of the existing problems, this paper reviews and analyses the design process of English phonetics teaching in primary schools from a demonstration course of English phonetics teaching in primary schools, and puts forward that phonetics teaching should pay attention to reading textbooks, keeping close to phonetics teaching objectives, combining the corresponding discourse, the cohesion and rolling of old and new knowledge, creating a real and natural context, and achieving clear steps. In order to improve the efficiency of English pronunciation teaching in primary schools, we should make clear, step by step, flexible and diverse teaching forms.

Key words: phonetic knowledge; phonetic rules; target phonemes; spelling ability; picture book reading







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