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摘自高中外研版必修一Unit 1 P8 Making a plan 听力前短文


1.In the UK and the US, senior high school students take part in various After-school activities, such as club activities and volunteer work. 在英国和美国,高中生参加各种课外活动,如社团活动和志愿者工作。

2.Theses activities not only help them gain more skills, but also teach them to care about others.这些活动不仅帮助他们获得更多的技能,而且还教会他们关心他人。

3.After-school activities also play a part when students apply to college.课外活动也在学生申请大学时发挥作用。

4.However, they can take up a lot of time, so students have to learn to organise their busy schedules.然而,他们会占用很多时间,所以学生们必须学会安排他们繁忙的日程。


摘自高中外研版必修一Unit 1 P8 Making a plan 听力材料


1.How are you finding life at senior high?你觉得高中生活怎么样?

2.My father told me that I should make a to-do list.我父亲告诉我,我应该列一个待办事项清单。

3.It’s a good idea to list the things we’re going to do.把我们要做的事情列出来是个好主意。

4.How about recording the time it takes to do the activities?记录做这些活动所花费的时间怎么样?

5.We can then see what takes up most of out time and make better plans.然后我们就可以看到什么占用了我们大部分的时间,并制定更好的计划。

6.And I’ve got two more ideas. Number one, only do one thing at a time. That way, you’ll get things done more quickly. Number two, do important things first.我还有两个想法。第一,一次只做一件事。这样,你就能更快地完成任务。第二,先做重要的事情。

7. How about we try all of these for a week and see if things get better?我们把这些都试一个星期,看看情况是否会好转,怎么样?





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