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Once upon a time in ancient China, there was a famous philosopher named Confucius. Born in 551 BCE in the state of Lu (nowadays Qufu, Shandong province), Confucius was known for his teachings on morality, ethics, and social relationships.

One of the most famous stories about Confucius was about his encounter with a young boy who was throwing stones at a bird on a tree. Confucius asked the boy why he was doing that, and the boy replied that he was trying to scare the bird away so that he could take its eggs. Confucius then asked the boy if he knew that it was wrong to take what wasn't his, and the boy replied that he did. Confucius then told the boy that if he knew it was wrong, then he shouldn't do it. The boy was so moved by Confucius' words that he stopped throwing stones and went home.

This story teaches us the importance of doing what is right, even when no one is watching. It also reminds us that we should always strive to be better people, and that we should learn from wise and virtuous individuals like Confucius.

One time, while traveling, Confucius met an old shepherd. Confucius asked him for directions, and the shepherd kindly showed him the way and even pointed out a shortcut. Confucius was surprised because the shepherd had no formal education, yet he was so clever in guiding him. So, Confucius asked him about his secret. The shepherd replied that he just observed the direction of birds flying, and he could judge the route in front of him. Confucius was deeply moved and said, "I have not learned anything new, I have just found the answer in someone else's wisdom."

This story teaches us that no matter how knowledgeable we are, we should be open to accepting other people's opinions and wisdom. Even seemingly unremarkable people may possess unexpected intelligence and experience. We should maintain an open-minded attitude, continuously learn and grow, to better cope with various challenges in life.




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