
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-03 09:38:55




Do you prefer the internet-based teaching or the traditional classroom?

In my opinion, I prefer traditional courses.

When you study on the internet, there is one cold computer around you without any emotion. It’s boring and tedious.

However, in the traditional classroom, if you have some questions, you can ask classmates or teachers conveniently.

You can communicate with them even through a nod.

On the other hand, attending traditional courses means we have teachers to interact and classmates to discuss or cooperate with.

That's why I prefer traditional courses.



What’s the plan in your postgraduate study?

Well, first of all, I plan to read and explore as many research papers as possible, to help myself get a better understanding of how to put my research into presentable results.

Second, I will try to participate in somepractical projects to solid my acquired knowledge. I hope to attend some academic meetings and communicate with some elites. I plan to acquire necessary knowledge and skills toimprove myself, either in my future academic pursuit or in my future career.

Besides, I also plan to continue to improve my English as the language is a must if one aims for excellence in academics.


Why did you choose our university?

During my undergraduate years, I have acquired much knowledge, but it’s still so superfacial that can not satisfy myself. I want to improve myself and broaden my view. Besides, Beihang university enjoys a good reputation in this field. It also has an excellent faculty. That’s why …..



Introduce the movie you like best.

I have seen many kinds of movies, among them, I like The Pursuit of Happyness best.

The father who was on the verge of collapse in his life, persevering, still managed to become a regular employee of the stock exchange through his own efforts, which impressed me most. It tells us that as long as you have a heart that never gives up, happiness will be with you.





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