
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-17 04:24:35


When Mr and Mrs Dursley woke up on the dull, grey Tuesday our story starts, there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country. Mr Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work and Mrs Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair.



wake up 叫醒

dull 阴沉的,多云的

grey 灰色的,多云的

gossip away

gossip 在这里用作不及物动词,意为“八卦(他人隐私),说三道四”



wrestle sth into 强迫某物到...

wrestle v.用力移动;使劲搬动

None of them noticed a large tawny owl flutter past the window.



tawny 黄褐色的

flutter past 飞过

At half past eight, Mr Dursley picked up his briefcase, pecked Mrs Dursley on the cheek and tried to kiss Dudley goodbye but missed, because Dudley was now having a tantrum and throwing his cereal at the walls. ‘Little tyke,’ chortled Mr Dursley as he left the house. He got into his car and backed out of number four’s drive.



have a tantrum 耍小孩子脾气

little tyke 小淘气

chortle v.开心地哈哈笑

back out of number four's drive 倒出四号车道

It was on the corner of the street that he noticed the first sign of something peculiar – a cat reading a map. For a second, Mr Dursley didn’t realise what he had seen – then he jerked his head around to look again. There was a tabby cat standing on the corner of Privet Drive, but there wasn’t a map in sight. What could he have been thinking of? It must have been a trick of the light. Mr Dursley blinked and stared at the cat. It stared back. As Mr Dursley drove around the corner and up the road, he watched the cat in his mirror. It was now reading the sign that said Privet Drive – no, looking at the sign; cats couldn’t read maps or signs. Mr Dursley gave himself a little shake and put the cat out of his mind. As he drove towards town he thought of nothing except a large order of drills he was hoping to get that day.



on the corner of 在拐角处;<英俚>失业的

jerk one's head around 急忙转头

in sight phrase. 看得见,在望,在即,临近

a trick of 一个...的错觉

stare at 等着看

around the corner phrase.在拐角近处,即将来临,将来发生

give sb a little shake 定了定神

put sth out of one's mind 把某事抛之脑外、不去想某事

nothing but/except 除此之外没有

But on the edge of town, drills were driven out of his mind by something else. As he sat in the usual morning traffic jam, he couldn’t help noticing that there seemed to be a lot of strangely dressed people about. People in cloaks. Mr Dursley couldn’t bear people who dressed in funny clothes – the get-ups you saw on young people! He supposed this was some stupid new fashion. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a huddle of these weirdos standing quite close by. They were whispering excitedly together. Mr Dursley was enraged to see that a couple of them weren’t young at all; why, that man had to be older than he was, and wearing an emerald-green cloak! The nerve of him! But then it struck Mr Dursley that this was probably some silly stunt – these people were obviously collecting for something … yes, that would be it. The traffic moved on, and a few minutes later, Mr Dursley arrived in the Grunnings car park, his mind back on drills.



out of sb's mind phrase.(尤指因生病或忧虑而)精神错乱,发狂;酩酊大醉

traffic jam phrase.堵车,交通堵塞

seem to be phrase.看来,好像

a couple of phrase.几个;一对

The nerve of him! 真不知羞耻!

move on phrase.离去、继续前进;把...往前移;更换工作(或话题等)

arrive in phrase.到达,达到

car park 停车场,停车房




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