
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-17 05:11:22

英语重点难点精讲:instead,instead of和in place of

① instead是副词,通常放在句尾,表示“代替,顶替”,有时表示否定上文提到的事物。

You may write in pencil instead. 你可以用铅笔写。(而不用钢笔)

I had expected her to say “Yes”,but she said “No” instead. 我原以为她会同意的,没想到她居然否定了。

I am too busy today. Come another day instead. 我今天太忙了,改天再来吧。

② instead of是介词短语,意为“代替,而不是,没有,反而”,后面可以跟名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动名词等。instead of具有否定含义,即肯定前面的内容,否定后面的内容,取舍的前后一般都属同类,而且是对称的。instead of通常放在句首或句中。

As she was ill,he went to the meeting instead of her. 因为她病了,他代替她去开会。(代词)

He has come instead of his father. 他代他父亲来了。(名词)

It has become larger instead of smaller. 它变得更大了,而不是更小。(形容词)

Price rose quickly instead of slowly. 价格上涨得快,而不是慢。(副词)

He went to the park on foot instead of by bus. 他是步行而不是乘车去公园的。(介词短语)

He has gone shopping instead of climbing the mountain. 他去购物了,没有去爬山。(动名词)

Her attitude towards this question is encouraging instead of disappointing. 她对这个问题的态度是令人鼓舞的,不是令人失望的。(现在分词)

They decided to go fishing instead of to play cards. 他们决定去钓鱼,而不去打牌。(不定式)

He usually does some reading in the evening instead of watches TV. 他晚上通常读点书,而不看电视。(谓语动词)

His words decreased instead of increased her courage. 他的话使她泄了气,而不是鼓励了她。(谓语动词)

Her words made him discouraged instead of encouraged. 她的话使他泄气,而不是使他受到鼓舞。(过去分词)

③ in place of是介词短语,表示“代替”,后跟指人或物的名词。

He attended the meeting in place of the manager. 他代替经理出席了会议。(可用instead of)




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