other和others用法,other和the other和others

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other: 即可做形容词,也可做代词。意思为“其他的”,后跟名词复数形式,泛指,具有广泛性,相加不一定是全部。例如:

eg:Are there any other students in the classroom.(做形容词) 教室里还有其他学生吗?

other做代词经常与the连用,the other表示两者中的一个。例如:

eg:I have two children.One is a girl,the other is a boy.我有两个孩子,一个是女孩,另一个是男孩。(做代词)

the other:特指其他的"人或物"总体为两个或多个。例如:

eg:I am taller than the other girls.我比其他女孩高。(总体为多个)总体为两个见上例。


eg:I have three children.Two are girls, another is a boy.(做代词)我有三个孩子,两个女孩,一个男孩。

we played a game of hide and seek last month ,and it was a lot of fun,so let's play another one this month.(做形容词)上个月我们玩了一次很有意思的捉迷藏,这个月我们再来一次!

others:它是由other s构成,相当于名词性物主代词,后面再不能跟名词,所以它没有形容词词性,意思泛指"另为几个","其余",在句中做主语或宾语。others= other 复数名词,例如:

eg:Some of us like eating hamburgers,others drink orange juice.我们一些人喜欢吃汉堡,其余的喝橘子汁。

the others:

the others是the other的复数形式,特指某一范围内的"其他的人或物"相当于复数形容词性物主代词加上s变成名词性物主代词,其后再不能接名词。the others=the other 复数名词

There are 40 students in the classroom.Some are reading books,the others are drawing pictures.

注意:(1)other与前面加起来不等于总和,因other泛指,不具有确定性。the other与前面加起来等于总和。

(2)others与前面所指加起来不等于总和;而the others与前面加起来等于总和。

(3)other,the other, another,既可充当形容词,也充当代词。而others与the others只充当形容词。

今天就分享到这儿。That's it.




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